This Astrology Remedy Will Save You From Every Upcoming Resort

This Astrology Remedy Will Save You From Every Upcoming Resort


Sometimes some people have this fear feeling.

Often such anecdotes also come true. If you are going out for a spacific task, try the following solutions.




  • If you are travelling on your way home, Take one lemon with you. Whenever the first turn occurs, make two halves of lemon with a paddle and throw it back and forth. This remedy reduces the probability of any evil.


  • Whenever you leave home, feed a cow with a piece of molasses, bread or any food, fruit, etc. and then go to your work.


  • When going for a special task, take some handful whole Green Gram and taking his fist from head to foot, and feed that Green Gram to Sparrows.


  • If you have to go somewhere on a Saturday, donate a blue or black item so that everyone will be calm.


  • If Ketu is hostile to your horoscope, feed the dog something before going on a trip.


  • Light on oil lamp. Every evening, place of a bowl of water on the stand where we keep water in the kitchen and put an oil lamp underneath that bowl. Every day, every lamp from the house will eliminate all econimic problems, but it is also worth the effort. Only required.


  • If the problems related to money are fulfilled then many of the real faults of the house will be destroyed as well. Negative energy circulating in the atmosphere will also be wasted and positive energy will also increases.


  • Never make a toilet in the northeast corner because it causes stomach disordres in women at home.


  • If you have large kitchen, you should sit in the kitchen and have lunch. Otherwise, the ill effects of Rahu in Kundali are alleviated.


  • Keep the lamp in the south while worshiping brings relief and sorrow.


  • If the size of windows of the house is larger than the main door of the house, the homeowner will face mental distress and heart related illnesses.








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