These two drinks are very beneficial in reducing the stomach.

there is no doubt that obesity is not easy to deal with, it is most difficult to reduce frozen fats, especially around the stomach. Most people feel uncomfortable about their belly because it is visible from their clothes and looks ugly. Not only this, because of the protruding belly, the fitting of jeans also does not come right.apart from this, obesity is also very dangerous for health, there is also a risk of heart diseases to type-2 diabetes.

So it is important that you work hard to get rid of it. Along with exercising, sleep at the right time and have a complete sleep, eat healthy food and at the same time, it is also important that you take special drinks to increase metabolism. Today we are telling you about drinks that you can reduce fats by drinking before going to bed at night.


Cucumber, Lemon , Coriander 

You do not have to spend a lot of money to make this drink. These three things will definitely be present in your house and these drinks prove to be extremely beneficial.

For this, you need: Peeled and Chopped cucumber, Lemon juice, Coriander and a half cup of water.

Blend all these things in a mixture until the juice is formed. You can also add lemon according to taste. This drink works because it has all the properties of reducing fats. Cucumber contains zero fats and does not contain calories. Also, the fiber present in it relieves bloating . At the same time , coriander is a natural diuretic, it helps in fighting in water weight and water retention. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C and K which makes it a perfect juice to drink at night. Adding lemon to it not only makes its taste good but it is also beneficial for digestion. You can drink this juice every night after dinner.

Ginger Tea : 

If you feel bloated and heavy after dinner then you must dring ginger tea. Ginger is known to relieve stomach problems. When you take care of your digestive health, so your weight starts decreasing automatically by itself. Toxins and wastes are removed from the body by drinking it.

For this you need :   

1/2 teaspoon grated the ginger. 

A cup of water.

A small spoon of honey.

A spoonful of lemon juice.

Mix ginger in a cup of water and allow it to boil. After this filter, it and mix honey and lemon in it and drink it.



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