The world needs sleeping at least seven to fifteen days in every year in the guise of lockdown.

During studying honors the second year, I studied Microbiology. There I had the opportunity to know a little bit regarding pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungal, etc. Whenever I could memorize and understand these, I had to read both advantages and disadvantages. 

Pathogens are not only evil for humanity, but also some of the pathogens are benevolent too. For instance, E coli that is in our body and working very good to digest.

Yeah, you have been both astonished and dazzle as well as considering me as a foolish boy dismounting the heading I provided above. Don't make me a fool. I selected it by pondering very carefully, and I will show you logic and cause. Because everyone at this same time in the world has been taking COVID-19 as a curse and discussing nothing but its demerits but you, have to catch on that it has a significant positive impact on the globe. None is accounting its vouchsafed side, which I love to share with all of you.

What is that? Let me answer you for the sake of your proper realization minutely. Dear readers, notwithstanding taking many precious lives from the earth due to the cruel outbreak of this virus, it is playing a vital role in the world differently. How is it? As a man/woman, we need sleeping for rest after working; otherwise, we become bored, and we generally can't be able to lead our lives as usual. But do we think that the world needs sleeping? We didn't get it anytime. It needs rest too. I guess now the earth is sleeping a sound sleep and taking rest due to the lockdown of the entire world, which is the most significant thing we have never thought earlier. You know the world holds more than seven billion people. Even if one billion died of that virus according to the dream of Mamun Maruf interview with the coronavirus, still six billion will remain very well by the kindness of Almighty Allah. And then, these remaining people will live very peacefully after the world has taken rest soundly. 

Let's call up the term "Global Warming." What have our climatologists and environmentalist predicted concerning global warming? Yes, they predicted that because of the emission of greenhouse gases from mills, factories, and vehicles of various countries worldwide, the amount of these gases is increasing alarmingly in the atmosphere, which results in global warming. For that reason, the water level of the sea will rise, and one-third part of the world will go underwater.

How dangerous it is! Also, an unbearable warmth people will face, which they can't tolerate as typical. Remember, the hottest days of the last year. How hot it was! I did think the temperature in the environment of the world will be less or comfortable in upcoming days owing to the lockdown of the whole world. The cause is that the world is sleeping, and it is not emitting greenhouse gases for the time being.

Moreover, owing to observing the home quarantine of the people worldwide, it is strengthened and improved relationships among family members.

Every man has to stay at home. He has no legal scope to go out. Because of staying at home, mutual understanding amongst the whole family is being firmed. Another thing is that besides human beings, animals live on this planet too. Human being always think about themselves, and for their interest, they do whatever they want whether they it is right or wrong, just or unjust they don't bother. We don't enough time to think about animals. I witnessed that owing to a lockdown of the world, animals get functional biodiversity to live here. This lockdown is playing an essential role in maintaining ecological balance not only for humanity but also for animals too. So, the coronavirus is one kind of blessing as the world is sleeping a sound sleep now.

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