The study method series: 1. Studying whilst listening to music

I am beginning a series that will expose students to the study method I use personally that works wonders for me. My high school and college academic life wouldn't have been fun if not for all these study methods. Let's jump into the first part of the series. The one we are going to treat in this article is studying whilst listening to music.

student studying whilst listening to music to boost assimilation

We live in a world that is dominated by noise. There is practically noise everywhere you go. Unpleasant sounds from; industrial machines, automobile engines, motorcycle engines, conversations/shouts by people etc. This can be frustrating often times, because as human beings, we need some quiet time to ourselves. We need quiet time to be able to accomplish some certain tasks that require our 100% mental alertness. sStudying is part of these certain tasks.

Though some students are quite comfortable while studying in a noisy room, but for the sake of students that prefers a quiet room, they can consider my recommendations.

Now when i say studying whilst listening to music, i am actually referring to instrumentals, i.e music without lyrics attached. This is so because the lyrics can interfere with the concepts/topics you are trying to digest. So, for this i would highly recommend instrumentals by the famous Greek composer: Yanni Chrysomallis. I chose him because his instrumentals compositions are quite rich and satisfying and depicts its title; some of his evergreen instrumentals includes; "swept away", "nightingale", "renegade", "flight of fantasy", "someday" to mention but a few.

Though there are so many instrumentals released by yanni, there is a particular one i love to a fault and that is: "nightingale". The instrumental is just so wonderful and I use it often times while studying. Lets now look at the steps to which this study method could be applied.

1. You start by eliminating the noise from the surroundings. You do this by listening to yannis instrumentals (it could be yannis compositions or any other good instrumentals compositions by other artists you like) using a headset so as to get a deep feel of it all.

2. Take 3 or 5-minutes break at interval to get refreshed. While taking the break, continue to listen to the instrumental. This somewhat compels you to remember what you've read prior to taking the break.

3. As you progress in your study, while listening to the selected instrumental of your choice, you would realise that a great ambience has been created and your brain is subconsciously taking note of this ambiance. At a later time, when you try to recall things you read earlier, it won't be stressful, because the brain has a way of bringing information to bare using that ambiance as trigger.

There you have it! studying whilst listening to music can be a great plus for your study time and upgrade in your G.P.A. Try it today and let me know what you think. Watch out for the next part of the series.

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Naseeb - Jan 26, 2020, 6:27 AM - Add Reply

Amazing knowledge if you like articles so please don't forget to read my articles.

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