The New iPhone 14 and Apple Watch 8 – What to Expect

Apple announced a few new products yesterday. The iPhone 14 and Apple Watch 8 look to be the perfect follow-up to the iPhone 13 and Apple Watch 7 (and they’re definitely the biggest news in 2017). The question on everyone’s mind, though, is whether should I upgrade. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the new iPhone 14 and Apple Watch 8 so you can decide if now is the right time to make the switch from your current device or if you should hold off until next year.

Face ID

Apple is ready for the future with their new releases of the iPhone 14, Apple Watch 8, and Air Pods 2. While some features are still unannounced, these next-generation products will bring an even higher level of convenience and security than ever before. The Face ID on the new model of iPhones has a scanning range of up to 50% larger than its predecessor; this allows for more facial recognition when a person is holding their phone in portrait mode.

3D scanning technology

iPhone 14 and Apple Watch 8 will come with 3D scanning technology. This innovation allows you to create a three-dimensional replica of the shape, texture, depth and colour of the things around you with your smartphone.


Wireless charging

Although the iPhone hasn’t had wireless charging yet, an expected upgrade for the iPhone 14 is a better internal battery with a bigger charge. This would make it so your phone doesn’t die after just half an hour of watching a video. A phone should be able to last through the day if it’s out of juice at 5 pm or watches one episode of Stranger Things without plugging in.


Facial recognition technology

Apple has a whole new take on facial recognition. With iOS 12, your face is your password for unlocking the device, accessing Apple Pay in stores, or logging into apps like Netflix. Plus, the Face ID technology used by the newest models of Apple Watch uses infrared scanning for increased accuracy.


Battery life

The new iPhone 14 claims to have a battery life that is five hours longer than your old iPhone 12. Even better, don't worry if you don't have time for a full charge in the middle of the day. The new solar-powered charger is available for usage. Never fear if your battery needs some power and everything else fails.


Video chat camera

How many of you are dreaming about the new release of the iPhone 14? It is going to be another dream come true for those who love their smartphones. With a built-in video chat camera, the future possibilities are endless. Imagine never having to leave your home just because you need to work on the business. Imagine never having to go anywhere or talk on the phone again if you can have a face-to-face meeting with your coworkers or family members.



No home button

Apple announced that their new smartphone, the iPhone 14, will have no home button. It's a complete departure from its previous releases in order to make room for larger screen sizes. Although it's an unconventional design choice, it could be useful for those who want the latest tech but don't have small hands.

A better screen

Apple hopes to innovate with a new OLED display that is more flexible than any phone before it. With this type of screen, designers will have the opportunity to add even more information and functions to the screen, from measuring blood pressure or viewing your heart rate to reading messages. And because OLED screens consume less power than LCD screens, battery life should be extended.

Smaller notch

According to a press statement from the company, when the phones are released, they will have a fresh look. They also point out that their screens have a narrower notch than most, which may assist users to avoid some of the less appealing aspects of the original design. By doing this, viewing information ought to be more uninterrupted and seamless. Gold, silver, and space grey will be the three colour options for the iPhone 14. The cost of the phone with service plans is unknown but is set at $999 for an unlocked phone.


Foldable phones

Because of the rapid advancement of technology, a new iPhone is generally considered to be the norm. Even though the iPhone 14 hasn't yet been released, we can make predictions about what to expect from it based on previous smartphones. With an edge-to-edge display, Face ID, and no Home button, it is logical to assume that this will be an improved model of the iPhone X. The phone's performance, water resistance, and battery life will probably all get improvements.



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