The 5 Best Abdominal Exercises Without Situps

Would you like to do something for your abdominal muscles again, but sit-ups are definitely not your favorite exercise? Then you are exactly right here. These abdominal exercises without situps strain your muscles intensively and can be done at home.

Finding exercises for a flat stomach that work all your muscles is often not that easy. With the following flat stomach exercises you train all your abdominal muscles and thus reach your goal faster.

The flat stomach exercises are explained to you in detail in this article. You will find out what you should pay particular attention to and what is necessary in order to see the first results soon. So let's go, get on the exercise mat!

Get rid of belly fat: What you should consider in addition to training

A firm, defined stomach, which you may even recognize as having a six-pack, cannot be achieved through abdominal muscle training alone. For abs to be visible, your body fat percentage must also be low.

So if your goal is not only to strengthen your abdominal muscles, but also to have a visibly firmer and flat stomach, you also have to pay attention to your diet.

Tips for losing weight and for a balanced diet as well as many recipes for losing weight can be found on our menu at Delicious weight loss . Just click your way through.

By the way, you shouldn't neglect training other muscles. Training that is too one-sided can also have negative effects.

In many basic exercises, such as planks or push-ups, the stomach is tensed and thus also trained. Such exercises, which actually do not specifically train the abdominal muscles, are very helpful on the way to a flat stomach.

Tips for abdominal muscle training

The exercises are explained in detail here. Make sure that you always do the exercises correctly. For example, check yourself in a mirror or film yourself while exercising. This is important to avoid errors in execution.

Always do the exercises calmly and pay close attention to tension in the abdominal muscles, then the training is all the more effective.

Do not overwhelm yourself. The exercises can be challenging, especially as a beginner. For some exercises you will therefore find a simplified form that will be easier for you at first. Once you have built up more strength, the other exercises will soon no longer be a problem either.

Don't exercise every day. Breaks serve for regeneration and ensure that the muscles can recover and grow well.


1) Russian Twist


The Russian Twist is a demanding and therefore very effective abdominal muscle exercise. It strengthens the lateral, straight and lower abdominal muscles. In addition, arms, back and shoulders also work, which also strengthens these areas.

As a beginner, you should do the exercise without weights for now. If you have been training for a long time and want to make the exercise more challenging, use a kettlebell or weight plate as additional weight.


How to do the exercise:

Sit on your mat and bend back slightly. Keep your back straight and be careful not to fall into your back.

Now lift your legs with your knees slightly bent so that your heels are above the floor and only your buttocks are touching the floor.

Clasp your hands together and stretch them forward. When doing the exercise with extra weights, hold the weight in front of your torso with both arms.

Stay stable with your legs and buttocks and start turning your arms / weight and upper body slowly and in a controlled manner to the right and then to the left. You can also tap the floor with your hands or the weight.

Once you've done all of the repetitions, come to the middle and place your legs on the mat.

2) Mountain Climbers

How to do the exercise:

Start in the push-up position. Your shoulders should be above your hands. Your back is straight, your stomach and bottom are tense.

Now pull your right knee towards your right elbow. When you bring your right leg back, you pull your left knee forward. Alternate this movement with your right and left legs.

Make sure that you tense your stomach and bottom steadily and that you don't sag.

If you can not do the exercise that quickly and with jumping changes, pull your legs one after the other and bring them back to the starting position. Only when one foot is on the ground again do you pull the other leg forward.

3) Side Planks

Side planks are the perfect exercise for strengthening your lateral abdominal muscles. They also shape arms and shoulders at the same time and demand a lot of body tension, which strengthens the entire body.

This exercise can be varied so that even beginners can do it. Here I will explain several variants to you so that you can optimally adapt the training to your level.

How to do the exercise (basic variant):

Lie on your side on a fitness mat. Your legs are stretched out. Support yourself on your right forearm, with your elbow under your shoulder. Now place your left foot in front of your right, support yourself on your feet and your forearm and lift your pelvis off the floor.

Raise your hips so that your body is in a straight line from head to toe. Actively tense your stomach and buttocks and keep your entire body stable and straight. Lift your left arm up or support it on the side.

Hold the exercise for a few seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Beginners: If the basic variant is still too difficult for you, you can leave your legs on the floor. But still make sure that you tense the muscles involved well.

Advanced: If the basic variant is too easy for you, lift the upper leg while stretching it. You can also prop up on your hand and extend your arm instead of propping yourself on your forearm.

Variation: You can make the exercise dynamic by lowering your hips and moving them back up.

4) Beinheben / Leg Raises

The leg raise is an intense exercise for the lower middle abs. In this exercise, you should pay particular attention to the correct execution and do it slowly and correctly.

How to do the exercise:

Lie on your back on your mat. Press your lumbar spine firmly into the ground. The neck muscles should be relaxed and the stomach tense.

Now lift your stretched legs. Make sure that your lumbar spine is always in contact with the floor. Raise it until there is an angle of around 45 degrees between your torso and legs.

Now lower your legs as slowly as possible towards the floor, keeping your lumbar spine firmly on the floor. The slower you do the exercise, the more intense it is.

You can either put your legs down briefly and then lift them up again and do the next rep. If you want it to be more difficult, never lower your legs all the way, but raise them again as soon as you are just off the ground.

5) Scherenkicks / Flutterkicks

The scissor kicks are an exercise that will make your lower abs burn. Here you can vary the difficulty of the exercise.

If you are a beginner, keep your legs higher up as you complete the exercise. The closer your legs are to the floor, the more difficult the exercise becomes.

How to do the exercise:

Lie on your back on a fitness mat. Tighten your abs and push your lumbar spine into the floor.

Place your arms next to your body and make sure your neck is relaxed.

Now lift both legs up a bit.

Now start to change the position of your legs at the same time. You raise one and lower the other - as if you were walking in the air. Perform this movement in a controlled manner and with the constant tension of the abdominal muscles


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