Technological Advancements


The importance of advanced technology view point is different for every person. It makes more secure and easy for a person to do a work and time saving for all. The technology become so advanced that in every department there is a involvement of technology so much and in most of the things technology take over all help in food, water and many more useful things in the world ; technology helps us.

In 2020, Technology is more advanced in mainstream and over power daily life as well. one step ahead in network, the coming generation of 5G network the fastest network after 4G.  more advanced step to be taken like smart cities and more amazed gadgets smarter mobileand wearable devices, wierless devices. As starting of a new decade assumed as this decade ends on Dec 31, 2019 and started of the new decade bagan Jan 1, 2020.

The new inventions which are in process or come into process like :

  • wearable devices : which have sensors and are automatic as you control bluetooth cell phone from there itself.
  • internet of things: means a network to collect and exchange data and send to other network.
  • Big data : is a exclusively to process which sets a large data information systematically
  • machine learning: is focusses on computer system and its language.
  • Cryptocurrency: is a digital asset to design to secure financial transaction.
  • Driverless cars: electric cars are made which save fuel and time.
  • 3d printing: is a three dimensional object to computer aided design ( CAD) model.
  • virtual reality: is a world which are computer organised world , viewing a screeen infront of them and interact with 3D world. mostly these things happened in 3d motion with 3d glasses in theaters.
  • genomics: related to genes and combination of DNA and analyse the structure of function of genes.
  • Robots and voice assistants already started in companies replacement of humans. how helpful it looks that work on more fast pace but on danger site the human will be jobless.

Negative Aspects of Technology:

As we all knew that people are more healthy before as in new era. so much ease of technology person makes lazy and after sometime human not do anything as everythng going to be automatic and fast. Due to positive side also negative side also and also wanted to help by the devices instead of ownself. To be more dependent on gadgets on others. To do all work by automatic functions. you have to work so small. In place of human took charge as robots. Everything is so mechanical. Human makes machines and money and emotions. Technology took over everything. Once man servants to see the world to pursue  a world of artificial ambiance but now man become tired and wants some rest with mechanical and artificial life.

It's good we are so much updated and a head in technology but we really missed the time which lost in making money or update the world to see the new world of success. we missed the person within us, within our reach and work of mind. We lost the heart still happy for the new world and forgot the old memories. Always man wants to move ahead.

Thus to do so much in technology we still not satisfied in the inventing and exploring field because there is so much hidden in it. we still want to be on top everytime. its never stop to explore, to invent new inventions. It's a going on process.

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About Author

I am Mona Khan. I done Masters in English. I am intersted in writing articles .