Stress busters

-Laghing and looking for the humour in things is so beneficial that it can ease physical pain, boosts your immune system, helps you make connections with other people so that you try and connect with more people. So laugh and smile more often. 

-sing , even if you are bad at it , studies have shown that singing or listening to music can help lower down your stress levels and put you in a happy mood. so think no more and be a songbird whenever you feel stressed out. 

-exercise , it is recommended that whenever you feel stressed just do some light exercises. Maybe go for jogging or maybe a walk to get some fresh air. Exercising aids in the production of endorphins which can reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. 

-Talk it out, never stay alone if you feel stressed. Just go and talk about your problems to your parents, or friends or anyone you are close to. If you don't want to do this then write it out , writing about your problems on a paper is very helpful to calm you down. 

-Switch off your mobile phones , try to stay away from your phone and use them for important things only. Students who tend to stay on their phones throughout the day are likely to feel more stressed out than people who use their phone for 2-3 hours a day or maybe less. 

-Drink lot of water , it will help you to stay hydrated throughout the day. 

-chew gum, studies have shown that chewing gum is associated with reducing your stress levels and improving focus. 

-Get some rest , go and take that nap. Taking a nap can help refresh you.b

-last but not the least , get a hot bath. Hot showers relaxes your muscles , can make you calm and brings down the stress level. So whenever you feel stressed get that hot water running .

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