Stop Racism



            My Topic's name is racism. The reason why I decided to choose this topic is that people think racism is gone and is done but to this day. It is present. Back in the 1900, racism was at its peak, where it was okay to call other people of race nasty names and throw food at them. My stance on the issue is that it should be alerted that racism is still alive and people are still affected by this all around the world. If we work together, we can unite and holds hands whether you are Chinese, Indian, Mexican, White, African, Italian etc. Based, on my topic, the name of my organization will be "Say No To Racism". In this Organization, the goal will be to spread positivity. The way I will do this is that there will be a challenge to say kind things to 20 random people in a day. This way people would get compliments whether that be about their eyes, their outfits, their hair, or anything and the people giving the compliment would also feel good about themselves. So it is a win-win. I just want the whole Stereotyping of people based on the color of their skin to stop because this makes people feel bad, and it is unhealthy for their health. 



            There have been Organization created to fight for a goal or to achieve a dream that people have wished for many years. One of these organization is called Black Lives Matter. This organization was created in 2013  after many African American and social development challenging occurrences of police mercilessness and all racially roused brutality against individuals of color. "By the fall of 2020, overall support for the movement had decreased slightly to 55 percent, but this still indicates that a majority of Americans supported the movement." This quote represents when in 2020 the protests were going on and how people started to join the movement of Human Rights. 



            Throughout many years of our nation's history, we have been trying to fight for racial equality. From the 1800s to present-day, people still have to go through arguments and bullying just for the color of their skin. Back in the 1900s was when it was worst, it was due to slavery and how they used to treat African Americans as if they were not humans too. "Freedom rides and other actions helped to galvanize support throughout the country for the growing Civil Rights Movement." This quote is showing how due to the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans finally gained their freedom. Major leaders in this movement were people like Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr. 



            "Racial Profiling" alludes to the prejudicial practice by law authorization authorities of focusing on people for doubt of wrongdoing dependent on the person's race, identity, religion or public beginning. Many that have gotten caught up with the law have to go through this due to the Stereotypes. People do not realize how much frustration they give one another when they do this.

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