Stop caring about what people think about you!

In a society like ours, people are judged for what they do, how they live, how they behave, how they present themselves and what not. We tend to think about what others think about us. We want to be in the good books of everyone. So what is the problem with that?

Some people even live according to other peoples' opinions. They take the remarks & comments they receive way too seriously. They try to change themselves according to what people say about them. Such people are too busy in paying heed to what is being said about them. They lose their identity. They don't find happiness in things that they were supposed to. They often feel irritated & confused. They don't find life worth living.

Are you such kind of a person? 

I wil l give you some reasons on why you need to stop thinking about others' opinions:

1. It's your life::   Why let anyone control your way of living? Take full control of your life, learn to take your own decisions, let their opinions just be opinions.

2.  You know what's best for you:: Everyone has his likes & dislikes. You have to just follow yours. People just talk about how they want you to be, not how you want yourself to be.

3. Everyones thoughts change::  Opinions are just like new mobile phones: today in fashion, tomorrow useless. Today people may talk useless stuff about you, their opinions are most likely going to change with time.

4. Life is too short to care about anyones thoughts::   In this highly engaging world, it is hard to please everyone. Something you do  may be ok for some but not ok for others. You would be criticized by some people while apprecited by others.

Hope this convinces you to live life to the fullest. Live your life as you wish, live happy, be happy!!

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