Search, sources and information

Information can be dynamic if sources and search are in the right path place and time. Only some consideration will meet initial information criteria. As the customer or needy gathers more information he will remain more contender. After a strenuous efforts consumer or needy person makes a final decision to get the selection of his own either about product , service or person.

Majority information source on which are decided into four groups. One is personal that can be family, friends, neighborhood,and surrounding. Second group can be commercial and that can be advertisement, web sites, e-mail, salesmen, dealers, displays and packing s. Third group could be mass media, social media,container rating units. Fourth group will be experiential and that contains handling, examining, and using the product , availing services, and day today meeting the persons.

The gathered quantum's and experience or impression of the above mentioned groups may vary by products, persons, category and characters of needy person. Majority consumer gets information from second group that is comercial. The most attractive and correct information usually are the results of personal and experienced sources which are obviously  independent authorities and are authentic one. 

Each group of the above mentioned are doing variety of function s  affecting the buyers decision. Whereas commercial group is only providing the bare information. The personal group use to evaluate or legitimization . As for example an electrician can provide new invention that comes in the market. but turn to the owner of the electrical equipment stores. for comparison of other products available in the shop prise wise and quality wise. Many buyer searching online avaibility of the required product or  after sale service stability guarantee warranty etc. 

Ofcource to take a final dicision to purchase or buy the product now a days has become very very difficult process  in the present prevailing market situation.

That is why it is said that the correct information is the outcome of strenuous  efforts of reaserch and availability of right source.

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