who Science News Roundup: Tiny robots made in Mexico to explore moon in scientific first; Tiny robots made in Mexico to explore moon in scientific first

Tiny robots made in Mexico to explore moon in scientific first

Five tiny robots designed and made in Mexico will blast off for the moon later this year, part of a first-of-its-kind scientific mission that envisions the two-wheeled bots scrambling across the lunar surface while taking sophisticated measurements. The so-called nano robots developed by researchers at Mexico's National Autonomous University (UNAM) will workAs soon as commercial advertising marketing has developed a strong sense of which media channels can show that they are the only ones who should strive to touch them all while carefully tracking each outcome. As soon as the business is complete it can make an informed decision about investing in its marketing investments, prioritizing costs into ways that have ensured business outcomes.

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No situation arises for no reason. There are obvious and specific causes for cancer, and as the pH nutritional literature documents show, the cause of cancer lies in excess of acidity. Diseases such as cancer are caused by systemic acidosis, with a very low pH (less than 7.4). Any pH below 7.0 is considered acid, and when low pH increases the level of acid in the human body



At the cellular level, your cells eat the food you eat and produce metabolic acids. Those acids are usually excreted in the body through sweat or urine. If you eat a large amount of acidic food and live a life that produces more acid, your body will not know what to do with the remaining acid waste. If you eat very acidic foods regularly, your body does not have enough energy to eliminate many acids. They accumulate in the body, and cause disruption at the cellular level






Metabolic acids are first stored in the blood and then stored in the tissues. When acid is stored in a muscle, it causes illness, disease, and cancerous tissue. Cancer is an acidic fluid from the metabolism that binds to the body. It affects the surrounding cells and, like a rotten apple in a bin, the effects spread from cell to cell causing disease. Cancer is not caused by mutated cells. Cells themselves do not change form, but are limited in their function due to the presence of excess metabolic acid. There is no such thing as a “cancer cell”; cells are actually normal cells that are highly acidic



One of the most amazing aspects of the relationship between pH and cancer is that plants are actually trying to help the body. They form in areas where metabolic acid is abundant and perform cellular activity. Abscesses are your body's attempt to prevent the spread of acid cells to other parts of the body. A tumor is actually a sign that your body is accumulating excess metabolic acid. Some people have a genetic predisposition to accumulate metabolic acid in certain areas. That is why some families have a history of, for example, breast cancer





The plants themselves are not a problem, but they are a sign that something is wrong with that organ. When cancer metastasize, it is a sign of an acidic state that moves to other cells and makes them acidic again 






  like a swarm of bees, the senior scientist told Reuters, once they make the nearly 240,000 mile (386,000 km) trip from earth aboard a rocket from closely held U.S. firm Astrobotic Technology.

China's agriculture ministry says to facilitate commercialisation of GM soybeans, corn

China's agriculture ministry said on Monday that it will facilitate the commercialisation of genetically modified soybeans, corn and cotton crops. China will improve management of GM varieties of the crops, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs also said in its 2022 work plan of regulation on GM crops.

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