Science importance in our life


We are often told that we live in the age of technology. But is this good for us? To help you navigate thorns as a result of technological advances, we have created a useful list of 10 advantages and disadvantages of technology.

What is the definition of technology?

The word 'technology' is the Greek word 'techne' which means 'craft' or 'ability' and the word 'logos' which means 'knowledge'. So, technology is a combination of knowledge and skills. The exact definition of the technology applies to machines and devices created especially due to scientific knowledge.


So one example of technology is a sewing machine made by a mechanic. Here knowledge about metal and their properties, electricity, and so on, is used to create a practical device: a sewing machine. Technology is all around us. You may be reading this article on another technology: laptop, tablet or mobile phone. But how does technology affect the world? Read on to discover the benefits and benefits of technology - at the end of this article we are sure you will contribute to the technology! ……

The benefits of technology

1. It makes life easier. When electric washing machines replace the lavish hand washing techniques and replace the long journeys with mechanical railroads, people often say that here we have better examples of the material life of people. Technology does this by eliminating tedious and time-consuming tasks! …

2. The speed of life increases rapidly. Why wait until a letter arrives that you can email quickly? Why spend a few weeks walking overseas when you can fly in a few hours? Technology means we can all achieve our goals in real-time!.

3. We can stay in touch with others. Before technologies like the phone, train, and the Internet, people feel that they are different from the world around them. Now, all we need to do is open the laptop lid or jump on the bus or train and never talk to our friends. …

4. Technology saves lives. In emergency situations, a cell phone can write the difference between life or death - a quick call and help will be on the way. Other technologies, such as search and rescue helicopters, also work to save people during the day and outdoors.

5. Keep food hot and cook well. We reduce the risk of disease for technologies such as refrigerators, refrigerators, and electric stoves. Many people now have these devices in their own homes.

6. Dissemination of knowledge. Technologies like e-readers, computers, news broadcasts, and podcasts enable us to gather as much information as we need. It could be argued that technology actually makes us smarter! …

7. Discovery trips. Science and Engineering have created technologies that put humans on the moon and send it to the bottom of the ocean. Technology makes us one day live on other planets. …

8. Technologies in Medicine. New machines have significantly increased our life expectancy, allowing us to live longer, healthier, happier lives. ……

9. Beyonce's hands and feet. New technologies have enabled amethysts to move and feel like limbs and blood. In fact, many bioclimate sleeves are an improvement over the "Nature" version!.

10. Wake up in the morning. Where would we be without that alarm clock (and its snooze function) to get us ready for work every day?

Technological Needs

1. Replacing jobs. Sometimes employees complain if a machine can do their job and they become important. When a worker loses his job, how do you get his salary because this job is now done with mechanical work?

2. It makes us lazy. Sitting on the computer all day without bothering to step outside, you could argue that technology has turned into a soft sofa.

Science importance in our life... 

3. Stop us from appreciating the natural world. The desire to get the current gadget, and sit in front of it for hours every day - does it make us appreciate the beauty of nature? Go out and see beautiful sunsets, majestic mountains, and steep rivers - all for free. …

4. Is it bad for our health? Recent studies have found that living a low life can be a major health risk. Is sitting on a computer all day is bad for our health and direction? …

5. Exploitation. Cheap technology drives and the rapid availability of new technologies (as consumers wish for the latest devices) have led some workers to use them during their working hours, working conditions, and payroll. …

6. Bad for the environment. Manufacturers of aircraft, rocket launchers, aircraft planes all contribute to global warming by releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. ……

7. Possible The benefit of scientific knowledge should be used only for the benefit of mankind. However, some technologies are captured by people who want to harm them -

for example. , technology has been used to create sophisticated devices. …

9. Consumer Culture. As our culture becomes more tech-savvy, we find ourselves spending the hard-earned money on new gadgets and gadgets. Is Consumer Use the Key Tool? ……

10. Loss of contact with traditional lifestyles Are you missing out on the beauty of handmade clothing, hand masks, and a simple lifestyle, thanks to the rapid pace of technology? As our culture becomes more tech-savvy, we find ourselves spending the hard-earned money on new gadgets and gadgets. Is Consumer Use the Key Tool?

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