Risk Factors of Women Smoking while Pregnant

Smoking nothing but smoke inhalation, it creates negative health practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the blood stream, in smoke products, mostly are tobacco products taking ancient and commercial ways like cigars, pipes,bids, hookahs and bongs. Smoking products mainly contained nicotine, morphine, heroin and other narcotics these are alkaloids. After breathing the smoke into the blood stream those alkaloids are acting on the central nerve system and activate but it create health harmful conditions.Pregnancy is a crucial period of mother and baby, in the duration of pregnancy baby increases day by day with proper growth, especially organ formation process continuously going, as per the days and time organs will formed without disabilities this owl process going in the mother's stomach, so mother definitely maintains healthy, hygienic food and habits. Baby's growth will depend upon the Mother immune system, food and habits, women smoking or breathing second hand smoke while pregnancy it’s highly risk to unborn kid. Additives of smoking products, carbon monoxide and lead, etc. those are directly absorbed in the bloodstream then find the following risk factors:High level risk of parturition After a birth chance to have an autism spectrum disorder Increases risk of organ formation, especially lungs Baby sowing abnormal behavior and brain immaturity Increases risk of your baby's heart rate Increases risk of sudden infant death syndrome Second hand smoke mostly contains harmful substances like tar, carbon monoxide, nicotine and led these are showing their effects on baby health.

Autism Spectrum Disorder:

Autism is a bunch of neurobehavioral condition it shows impairment conditions in children’s and Autism is characterized by marked difficulties in behavior, social interaction, communication and sensory sensitivities. Woman smoking while pregnant child most of the chances attacked by ASD.Prevention:

Women quit the smoking before and during the pregnancy and hiding the smoking products and match box, lighters.

Maintain the pleasant and peaceful atmosphere and meditation and yoga helps to quit the smoking habits.

Drink fewer caffeinated beverages caffeine may stimulate your urge to smoke and related products.

Look for support from others. Join a support group or a smoking cessation program.

Do not go to places where many people are smoking, such clubs and smoke zones, and smoking sections of restaurants and office zones and avoid to breathe second hand smoke.

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