Rising above my Regrets

Rising above my Regrets

Regrets                                                                                Regrets


Our life is much more complicated than we would have ever thought of. We are stepping in the new world, but we could not hold it up to us as each time we want to do something good, we were taken by the feelings of regrets which we don't want to face anymore. Life really feels sad, and we keen on asking ourselves the reasons behind the things happening to us. Indeed, there is no answer to be found, but the only way left with us is to rise above the regrets fallen over us. 


Let's look upon a short poem about "Rising above my Regrets."


May I wish for some miracles to happen!

Sadness on my face is like a demonic possession

I don't think for the right being done in the right way

When we spend hours of hours doing work but still everything is undone

I see the cruel kindness of the people judging me again

For the sins I did in my past, they don't believe that I am changed

I am sad for the regrets that are fallen upon me

When time still exists for others, it has gone forever for me

Makes me often cry while carrying my fate over my shoulders

I have lost a path which no one knows where it goes

Others have become master of their dreams; I still don't have eyes to close 

I know I won't hold the cup of this marathon of life

But would carry the pride that I had participated

I have a million dreams to live in my only life

To fly my kites for others to see

And to hide the clouds of my life hindering my present

So that the sky of my life is a colorful garden of stars

To enlighten the folly darkness 

And finally to rise above all.

We are human beings, and what differentiates us from others is the thing that we all have feelings. We see the world from a different vision and want to change the world for good, but we have to accept the fact that the path we have chosen is not going to be easy. We have to set up the spirits to push ourselves further.

"Leap of Faith" plays a vital role in that journey. Our faith in what we need and what we want concludes the reason for guilts in our life. Hope is the feeling that can overpower the repentance in us, which can rise due to circumstances around, but the power of your belief would undoubtedly be held high above all and would change you for good.

Sometimes we are not at all ready to accept the changes because we feel safe in being in our comfort zone. Changes might even break us from within; however, it can't break you as a whole. 

Our Regrets are the lessons that our life wants us to learn from the mistakes which we had done in the past. We are human beings and, yes, we will make mistakes, but each time we will Rise above our Regrets, we will rise above all, and this world will know the worth of why we were born.


Ultimately we learn that in running the marathon of this life, we might fall many times, but each time we would rise, we would run faster and faster.


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Apr 5, 2020, 1:09 PM - Rishav Shah
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Hi ! I am Ashish Dutt and is currently studying in a High School in India. Well having done my previous studies in a Convent School, much of my speakng and writing skills were enhanced so I thought of turning my skills into my passion and to set myself as an example amongst all the teenagers of my age. Well, I write the Knowledgeable Articles. I wish all my audiance would read my articles keenly and would insist me to write more for you all. Thanks.