Post-production: What Is It and How Does It Improve Your Video?

Post-production: What Is It and How Does It Improve Your Video?


The final editing process will take up a significant amount of your time, regardless of the length of the movie you're making, and it will make it better.


A two-minute business or marketing film typically takes four to eight weeks to produce, with post-production accounting for half of that duration.


This post will go into detail about what goes on during the video post-production stage and explain why it's crucial to produce a finished result that is visually appealing.

What is post-production?

There are three steps involved in producing a film or video:

  • Before the actual day (or days) of filming, it is known as pre-production. It consists in getting ready, organizing, and creating a timetable.

  • Production: Making the videos you have.

  • What happens following filming is post-production, the special effects, graphics, sound design, color grading, and editing.

The Post-Production Components

After the previous shot and the cameras stop spinning, a film is ready to enter its final phase, the last stage of turning a tale from script to screen. The process of professional video editing has begun.


Post-production has been used in almost every movie you have seen, maybe more than you realize. Often, post-production takes longer than actual filming.

In 2016, making a movie in Hollywood usually took about 146 days to prepare, 106 days to film, and 301 days to edit and add effects. Nowadays, thanks to advanced technology like CGI, the editing and effects part takes even longer, making it a critical stage of movie making.


This is a result of the different components that comprise the post-production phase:

  • Rewriting

  • Grading and color correction

  • Including images

  • Unique impacts

  • Audio composition


While the production schedules for films on Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube may be shorter, many steps involved are the same as those in Hollywood productions.


Video post-production takes up most of the project's time. 


After filming your video, you're prepared to start editing it. Editing is the initial stage of post-production. Putting the uncut video into a compelling narrative is the editing process.


This entails reviewing the video to select the best takes, organizing the clips into a flow, perfecting the editing time, and adding the finishing touches like color grading, motion graphics, and sound design


Grading and Colour Correction

Consider color grading as a way to season the food you are preparing. You may prepare food without seasoning, and it will still be sufficient, but adding a little thyme and rosemary will make it much more flavorful. Professional video editing is no different; color adds flavor.


Color correction and grading are the two stages of the color process. In color correction, any issues with the footage can be fixed, such as modifying the exposure or white balance to make it consistent with the surrounding clips.



The purpose of graphics is to let the viewer "see" your messaging. They are created, illustrated, and, most of the time, animated. They might be a wholly animated story, explanation text on screen, or a name key in the lower third.


Depending on how graphic your film is, this may take up much of your time and money, which also counts in video post-production. Images can be used to illustrate your tale visually or to support copy points. Motion graphics improve the viewing experience and strengthen a business's identity.

Unique Effects


The amount of special effects used in modern films would astound you. Images that you take for granted because they appear exactly as you see them are probably the product of extensive green screen work and a tonne of compositing, which is the layering of various effects.

Even for a brief corporate film, considerable compositing is usually necessary to generate a visual effect that catches the viewer's attention. Programs like Cinema 4D or Adobe After Effects are typically used to create these effects.


The art of producing an illusion known as "special effects" can involve anything from using a green screen to setting up a background for your talent to generating an explosion in situations where you lack the funds to blow things up.

Sound Design

Sound design, sometimes called audio sweetening, involves balancing audio levels, adjusting and adding music, and adding sound effects. Professional video editing, the theatre of the mind, is helpful in this situation. A video or movie's tone can be entirely altered by using the appropriate noises at the proper time. Video is an audio/visual media as well as a visual one. The soundtrack gives a scene dimension, texture, and emotion. It facilitates the story's telling.


Ensuring top-notchvideo post-production is essential for enhancing the effectiveness of your film or video, emphasizing its importance during project planning, particularly in meeting deadlines. This collaborative effort involves each team member striving to maximize the potential of every aspect. Whether it's editing, sound design, or visual effects, careful attention is paid to perfecting and enriching the result. Acknowledging the critical role of post-production guarantees the project's artistic vision is fully actualized, captivating viewers and making a lasting impact.


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ArtVid Shop: premium video editing agency services. Elevate your brand with our creative solutions. Our team of experts specializes in transforming ordinary footage into extraordinary content that elevates your brand. Trust our experts to bring your vision to life.