Old weight loss failed? Gene or culprit!



Hundreds of genes are related to body weight. Some affect the distribution of fat in the body, while others affect metabolism, appetite, and even affect whether you are looking for food to cope with stress. Their impact on overweight may be only 25% or as high as 80%. Signs that genes may be associated with your innate weight include that one or both parents are overweight, and it is difficult to lose weight even if they are strictly dieting and exercising.


But the answer is not to starve yourself. This can be counterproductive, putting your body into a starvation mode, slowing down metabolism and losing weight even more. In addition to being frustrated with your appearance, lack of food can make you feel tired and irritable.


You can't change your genes, but you can improve variables such as adequate sleep and stress relief. In addition, focus on getting better health, not the perfect body. This means taking measures to increase the amount of exercise and improve the nutritional quality of the food. Rather than indulging in calorie cuts, try to reduce (or at least reduce) refined foods and foods that contain empty calories like many packaged foods.


If you can't make these lifestyle choices yourself, a dietitian can help you. He or she can even show you that you are at its best.

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