Nutrition With Vegetables.


Eating plenty of vegetables is one of the easiest way for people to improve their health and well-being.

In this article, we listed the 5 healthful Vegetables.

All vegetables contain healthful vitamins,fibers and minerals.However some stand out for their expectional benefits.


Spinach is a leafy green vegetable.It is also a great source of calcium, vitamins , Iron and antioxidants.

"Spinach is rich in iron"

One cup of raw spinach is mostly made up of water and contains only 7 Calories.It also provide following nutrients:

  • An adult's full daily requirements for vitamin K

  • High amount of Vitamin A

  • Vitamin C

  • Magnesium

  • Folate

  • Iron

  • Calcium

  • Antioxidants


Kale is a very rich and popular green leafy vegetable with several healthy benefits.It provides 7 Calories per cup of raw leaves and good amount and good amount of Vitamin K , C and A.

  • a 10 percent reduction in low-density lipoprotein, or "bad" cholesterol.

  • a 20 percent increase in high-density lipoprotein, or "good" cholesterol.

People use baby kale in pasta dishes,salads and sandwiches. Also try,making kale chips or kale juice for its heart healthy-benefits.


Boroccoli is an incredibly healthful vegetable that belongs to the same family of cabbage , kale and cauliflower. These are all cruciferous vegetables.

Each cup of chopped and boiled boroccoli contains:

  • 55 Calories

  • The full daily requirement of vitamin K

  • Twice the daily recommended amount of vitamin C


Peas are sweet ,strachy vegetables that provide 134 calories per cooked cup.They are also high in:

  • fiber,at 9 grams per serving

  • protien , at 9 grams per serving

  • vitamins A , C and K

  • certain B vitamins

Green peas are good source of plant-based protien,and eating them is an effective way for vegetarian and vegan people to boost there protien intake.They are also rich saponins, which are plant compound that may provide antioxidant and anticancer benefits.

Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet Potatoes are root vegetables that provides 103 calories and 0.17 grams of fat per medium potato, when it is baked with its skin.

Each potatoes also contains:

  • Much more than an adult's daily requirement of vitamin A

  • 25 percent of vitamin C and B-6 requirements

  • 12 percent of their potassium needs

  • Beta-carotine , which may improve eye health and fight cancer

Sweet potatoes may benefit people with diabates.This is because they are low on the glycemic index scale and high in fiber , so they may help regulate blood sugar.

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