My story

Shangrila .. Lost Horizon

Did you know shangrila actually came out as a noval ?

shangrila a resort on the shores of lower chora near sakrdu, is named after james hilton novel ; LOST HORIZON  Shangrila .

Shangrila Baltistan is known as the tibetan word and means a paradise across the river .

IN 1983, the owner of the shangrila brigadier Aslam khan, founded the resort hotel, which became the first resort in scarborough . the special thing here is that there is a orient plane in the from of a restaurant that crashed near here.

Brigadiers brought them there, remembering that before the PI, there were ships of orient Airlines .

How did this resort hotel get its name from shangrila, so it would not be wrong to say that brigadier Aslam khan had read this noval before and he has revived it, james hilton is a british novelist who eroote a noval in 1933 called lost horizon.

in wich a plane crashes, but the passengers are safe and safe, and then the place they take refuge in is shocking.

james hilton wrote many other famous novels besides lost haven.

Good bye mr chips

So you must have read all.

After the plane crashed, after stopping, it was learned that all the passengers were in good stead, the pilot was injured and in the case of the deceased passengers were told that there was a place near the name of shangrila on the other side of the river they go to a place called shangrila and settle it .

there , the characters of the novel have made thier paradise, their sangrella. and the laughter started to rejoice .

But in the pictures, the piece of paradise is shangrila.

if you want to read lost hawaiian in urdu, read Muhammad Ahsan book  ″One night Desai″ . A whole chapter of it is on the lost hurricanes shangrila .

thanks to Muhammad Ahsan .

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A student , small busniess man , & writer

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