Lost in Space Or Why there'll Never Be a Planet


Between Stars war and the Trek our, generation grew up always looking at the stars as the site of the future home humanity. it already had the "sold" sign in the yard. "lost in Space "

In the years since Ronald Reagan preached his doctrine of militarizing space for safety, we have spoken about climate change and pollution, the inevitable deterioration of Earth, but never with the same urgency or imagination that we spent talking about space. 

That’s a shame really because our generation was fueled on premium grade fiction and we lost a lot of potential momentum by ignoring the concept and drama of a sustainable Earth. 

Instead of renovating the old house, we decided collectively a few decades ago that we were just going to move out, trade up. We were going to pack up and move when we were all grown up. 

all it would take was an elaborate propulsion system, gravity technology and about a million things we hadn’t learned to do yet. Still, Gene Roddenberry had shown us  the future and it was bright. 

It’s like we all got stunted as a group in that indestructible portion of youth before you learn about your own mortality, and we just stopped caring about what the kids would have left should we fail. 


That was fiction. This is real. [Lost in space ]

Today, we’re facing imminent global catastrophe. Wildfires are burning almost without ceasing, thanks to the heating up of the planet. Since 1880, the planet has warmed by 1.9 degrees. 

storms are intensifying to record levels, and the irctic ice is melting. 

All of this while many believe we’re in the midst of the sixth mass extinction set to change the course of the planet, possibly forever. 

With the loss of so many masses of wildlife and the images of emaciated creatures roaming the forests, it’s hard not to see the trend as potentially fatal for Humans. 

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Natcoffoloud - Jan 10, 2020, 8:16 PM - Add Reply

Nice article

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