Lifestyle Top 8 remedies to reduce the signs of aging by Ayurveda

Beauty- With age, white hair, initial fatigue, and wrinkles appear on the face. Everyone loves to stay healthy as they grow older to live a happier life, and this can only happen if you combine two things in your life - Yoga and Ayurveda.



Skincare becomes the most challenging activity with age, and in such a case, Ayurvedic medicine can help a person look younger than their age.

Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical practices performed in India. It has a particular way of maintaining the health and beauty of the skin.

Some Ayurvedic texts describe more than 200 herbs, minerals, and oils, with significant physical and mental benefits.

The practice of people is now slowly evolving towards Ayurveda with a shift from modern medicine because this procedure provides beauty without side effects.

To meet the needs of the people, Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma offers an impressive range of therapies that strengthen firmness and beauty with a variety of natural remedies. 
One of the most unique and popular treatments is' Kaya Leam. 'Kaya Lep is a natural blend of milk, rice extract, and herbal powder. This paste helps eliminate dead cells, improve facial appearance and firm skin.

This ancient Ayurvedic herbal remedy is based on natural remedies and has recently come into use.

In addition, some Ayurvedic skin treatments are designed for all skin types of men and women. Other medications include:


1. Darvi Lepam or Turmeric Body Lap-

This is an Ayurvedic attachment specially developed with a combination of Haridra Khanda and exotic herbs. It is used as a natural cleanser for both men and women to exfoliate the skin and nourish the whole body, resulting in a radiant skin tone.

2. Haritakalapam or Chlorophyll Body Coating-

This paste is prepared from the leaves of Maringa oleifera (Drumstick). The leaves are hand-picked from the Sri Ayurveda medical garden and freshly ground into the sacred dry (fragrant and tasteless) soil to form an aromatic paste.

With so many vitamins, proteins, and minerals, raw black pepper is a powerful antioxidant for skin cells while softening, nourishing, and cleansing the skin.

3 Kayalepam-

It is prepared with a unique blend of rice extract, herbal powder, coconut, and almond milk, strengthening the skin. This paste eliminates dead cells, improves complexion, and enhances the skin.


4. Honey and Sesame Body Lap-

It attaches to a soft natural body made from traditional honey and sesame to remove dead skin cells.


5 Attach the Neem- body

Soft grain paste from neem leaves. Neem, believed to be from God in drops of nectar mixed with eucalyptus oil, is used to relieve pain and exfoliate the skin.

The damage is from exposure to the sun's rays, leaving your skin smooth. And it is even brighter. 

6. Body Soap Fruits-

The reduction of toxins and hydrating pastes is done with organic pulp and oils that tone and moisturize the skin. It leaves your body strong and healthy with a youthful and silky light, gentle feeling.

7 Vegetable Body Cover.

This body threat is prepared from the pulp of rich vegetable antioxidants and vegetable plants. It brightens the skin and strengthens the cells. Mixing these ingredients brings youthful light to the skin.


8 Sandalwood Body Lap-

Advanced body paste prepared from freshly cut sandalwood ground squash, an anti-biotic ingredient that helps visible spots, moisturizes the skin, and gives it a radiant glow.

As a result of these basic traditions, the skin becomes soft, refreshing, and radiant; It shows no signs of aging; you look young and new. According to Ayurveda, many factors determine the health of the skin.

These include a good balance of moisture, the effectiveness of metabolic systems that effectively link all chemical and hormonal reactions to the skin, and adequate distribution of blood and nutrients to many parts of the skin.


Effective anti-aging Ayurvedic cosmetics offer support in all three areas. Vata To keep the skin young, the skin should be nourished and hydrated to prevent wrinkles and premature aging. 
This includes training with hot oils and whole cream. A good sunscreen with sunscreen and excellent face oil should be applied daily on the pitta skin.

For Capeskin, it is recommended daily to apply warm oil and gently cleanse the skin.

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