
  • The first time I watched stars at night, I was six. I felt like everything was so perfect in that moment. Sometimes perfection is so illusional. I thought life is supposed to be perfect in every sense. Like this universe is, so perfectly organized. When sun goes down, stars shine. When it rains, rainbows are created. Springs and autumns are always into balance. Summers and winters, they have their own celebrations. When universe is just so perfect, and I am a part of it, my life should be close to something we call as perfect. My parents were married, my mum carried me in her womb for nine months so perfectly that I was born. I survived, I lived, life was given to me to live perfectly. To live is to live with perfection and universe derives this state of my mind. Love is all about being selfless you know, love is all about loving someone just perfectly. Now when I think about falling in love for the very first time with my class mate who used to have golden brown hair, that was so perfect.

Perfection is always following you. But, you are not going to find it. You start something with all your heart and it turns out to be nothing in the end. You start listening to a song and end up crying your lungs out. You put your favorite food on table and stop feeling hungry suddenly. Once you are done being sad and decide that the only thing you want to do now is staying happy is the moment things fall apart again. Everything goes perfect until you have this madness for it and then suddenly you lose interest.


I know life is complicated. Life is not at all perfect. Life isn’t even close to perfect. You feel jealous, sad, happy, emotional and cold at the same time. You have no idea about life while living it. Life is way to different for each and everyone of us. Seven billion people and seven billion stories. Life isn’t perfect. Life is a trap. You are living an imperfect life and trust me that is the best gift god has given you.



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