Learn How to Rectify QuickBooks Error PS038 Quickly

QuickBooks Error PS038 typically occurs during the processing of payroll updates and indicates a problem with the user's billing information or subscription status. This error may arise due to various reasons, such as outdated billing information, expired subscriptions, or issues with payment processing. When encountered, users may be unable to download or install payroll updates, leading to delays in payroll processing or compliance issues. ResolvingQuickBooks Error PS038 often involves verifying and updating billing information, ensuring the subscription is active and up-to-date, and addressing any payment-related issues. Users may also need to contact QuickBooks support or their financial institution for assistance with billing or subscription-related issues. 


A timely resolution of this error is crucial to ensuring uninterrupted payroll processing and compliance with payroll tax regulations. Try to speak with our team of experts at +1857380359.

Possible Reasons that Trigger Payroll Update Error PS038 


Addressing these underlying issues, such as updating billing information, renewing subscriptions, resolving payment processing issues, and staying updated with software changes, can help prevent or resolve Error PS038 on your device.


  • If the billing information associated with your QuickBooks subscription is outdated or incorrect,.

  • An expired subscription or failure to renew your QuickBooks payroll subscription can lead to this error.

  • Problems with payment processing, such as declined transactions or invalid payment methods.

  • Changes to your billing account details, such as a new credit card number or billing address, may cause discrepancies.

  • Sometimes, updates to QuickBooks software or changes in payroll processing requirements can also contribute to this error.


The following blogs can help you: Troubleshooting QuickBooks Error 6175,0: Causes and Solutions


Resolving Payroll Update error PS038 in QuickBooks Desktop 


Check and find the paycheck stuck as "Online to Send" in QuickBooks, and this is surely going to give you a solution that can fix the problem quickly.


Solution: Check and then find the paycheck that is stuck as “Online to Send” on your device


By following these steps, you can check and find any paychecks stuck as "Online to Send" in QuickBooks and take the necessary actions to ensure they are successfully transmitted for processing.


  • Open QuickBooks and navigate to the "Employees" menu. From there, select "Payroll Center."

  • In the Payroll Center, review the summary section, which displays the status of payroll activities. 

  • Look for any paychecks listed as "Online to Send." This indicates that these paychecks are pending transmission to Intuit's servers for direct deposit or e-filing.

  • Click on the paycheck that is stuck in "Online to Send" status to view its details. Once you've selected the paycheck, you'll be able to view its details, including employee information, pay period, and amount.

  • Within the paycheck details, look for options or buttons related to transmitting the paycheck. QuickBooks typically provides an option to send paychecks for direct deposit or e-filing directly from this screen.

  • After attempting to resend the paycheck, review the transmission history or status updates provided by QuickBooks. This will confirm whether the paycheck was successfully transmitted or if any errors occurred during the process.

  • If there are errors preventing the paycheck from being sent successfully, review any error messages provided by QuickBooks and take appropriate action to address them.


Read More:How To Merge Vendors in QuickBooks - Get Paid & Pay Expenses



QuickBooks Error PS038 indicates issues with billing information or subscription status during payroll updates. Resolving it involves updating billing details, ensuring active subscriptions, addressing payment-related issues, and ensuring uninterrupted payroll processing and compliance with tax regulations. You can quickly fix the problem on your device by calling us at +1857380359.


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