Top Lawn Aeration Services: Scarifying And Aerating The Lawn

Lawn aeration boosts your lawn. By creating small holes in the soil, air, water, and nutrients can easily reach the grassroots, promoting their growth and enabling them to penetrate deeper into the ground. Furthermore, aeration can break up compacted soil and thatch buildup, which can hinder the growth of your lawn. We recommend aerating the property once a year during the growing season. You can hire lawn aeration services to carry out the aeration process easily.

Scarifying is a part of lawn aeration services

Scarifying and aerating the lawn are essential for its correct growth, but they are only sometimes carried out privately. You need to hire lawn aeration services. That's right, scarifying and aerating tasks are not usually carried out at a private level; they are better known on specialized surfaces such as sports fields; for correct garden growth, lawn care services are necessary since they provide the lawn with many benefits.

Sometimes these tasks are carried out due to needing to be made aware of how they are carried out, what they are for, when we must carry them out or how many times a year. We want to bring these tasks closer so that they can begin to be carried out and our garden is not harmed.

Scarifying and aerating are necessary for natural grass

The first thing is to know the meaning of both functions:

·         Scarified: It is about "scratching" the ground superficially to break and eliminate all the accumulated felt.

·         Aerated: It is a matter of "pricking" the ground by making a few holes to oxygenate the entire soil in depth.

Lawn aeration services for aeration and scarification of natural grass

Once we already know the meaning of both functions necessary for the garden, the next thing is to know when and how many times a year we should perform them. Both tasks must be done twice yearly, coinciding in the spring and autumn. In the case of the scarified, if we see that it barely has a felt layer, we can let it pass until the next time.

Another question is why scarifying and aerating tasks are necessary for natural grass. It is straightforward, because of the layer of felt that accumulates in the garden; the earth is compacted, preventing the entry of oxygen, water and nutrients that the plant needs for its growth. They should be done twice yearly to keep the garden in good condition.

Felt is a mixture of soil, dry leaves, and roots that forms on the surface of the garden. As a result of this layer, the earth is more compacted, seriously harming the natural grass.

If the lawn in the garden is badly damaged, it is best to replace it with a new one or seek lawn care services. 

Sods are slabs of natural grassland extracted from the ground for later installation in the garden. It is the fastest and easiest way to achieve natural grass in perfect condition, free of bald spots and weeds, fully bushy, highly resistant and smooth. Request a budget without obligation.

The compaction due to a layer of felt that is too large can bring severe problems to the lawn, such as:


  • Promotes the appearance of weeds
  • Reduces the entry of oxygen, nutrients and water to the plant, visibly hindering its growth.
  • Grass germination is delayed whether the soil is wet or excessively dry.
  • Slows the plant's root growth.
  • Both tasks can be performed manually or by special machines.
  • And finally, how we should carry out the tasks of scarifying and aerating. They can be done in two ways. The most commonly used manual is for small gardens, and specialized machinery is used for extensive gardens.

Lawn aeration services 

In both ways, two passes are made, one horizontally and the other perpendicularly; they must always intersect. Once the two passes have been made, we will eliminate the forage we have extracted with the help of a flexible-tine rake and pass the mower. We must leave the garden as clean as possible of any remains.

Aerating and scarifying the natural grass in the garden ensures its correct growth. The garden after this task, so beneficial for the natural grass, will have an unfortunate appearance; we should not worry because, in a few days, it will return to its normal state.

In the case of aeration, holes are made by drilling the earth about 7 to 10 cm. It has the same benefits as scarification, complementing each other perfectly. To perform this task, we can use:

Manual, the most used tools are a hand fork, insoles with spikes fitted to our shoes or a roller. In any case, they all have built-in points to stick into the ground.

Lawn aeration services use aerating machines to incorporate the spikes that will perforate the earth mechanically. By correctly carrying out the scarifying and aerating tasks, we have ensured that the natural grass in our garden will be in perfect condition, not only on the outside but also on the inside.

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