Know When You Can Be Sick, according to your Birthday...!

According to Numerology, We Can Know When we can be sick


Here, We are going to duscuss some Numerology Prediction According to you Birth Date.

I will explain How Your " Mulank " ( count by your birth date ) affects your health and how to calculate it ( Mulank ).

Here is exmple how to calculate " Mulank " :

If your Birth Date is 26th July 1980.

So, we will choose your birth date 26th and now You need to pick this two numbers " 26 " and do this 2+6=8.

According to this birth date your mulnak we got is " 8 ".

This Number " 8 " will become your Mulank according to Your Birth Date of " 26 ".

Now we start Numerology Discussion here in this article below,



Numerology Help For Your Health :


Mulank 1 :

If people's birthdays are on 1, 10, 19 or 28. Their Mulnak will be "1".

Caution :

Issues "1" should be cautious about their health during the months of January, October, and December.


Mulank 2 :

If people's birthdays are on 2, 11, 20 or 29. Their Mulank will be "2".

Caution :

If your date of birth is one of the numbers shown above, caution should be exercised in the health diet of January, February and July.


Mulank 3 :

If people's birthdays are on 3, 12, 21 and 30. Their Mulank will be "3".

Caution :

Those with 3 digit should take special care of their health in February, June, September and December.


Mulank 4 :

If people's birthdays are on 4, 13, 22 and 31. Their Mulank will be "4".

Caution :

According to the lord of his own mulank, people with this mulank "4" should pay special attention to their health during the five months of January, February, July, August and September.


Mulank 5 :

If people's birthdays are on 5, 14 and 23. Their Mulank will be "5".

Caution :

You should be careful about your health during the months of June, September and December.


Mulank 6 :

If people's birthdays are on 6, 15 and 24. Their Mulank will be "6".

Caution :

The owner of your mulank is Venus, so you should be careful with the 6th of the month of May, October and November.


Mulank 7 :

If people's birthdays are on 7, 16 and 25. Their mulank will be "7".

Caution :

You should be careful about your health for the four months of January-February and July-August, since you are "Ketu".


Mulank 8 :

If people's birthdays are on 8, 17 and 26. Their mulank will be :8".

Caution :

Since the owner of your mulank is Saturn, the number 8 should be completely cautioned in the months of January, February, July and December.


Mulank 9 :

If people's birthdays are on 9, 18 and 27. Their mulank will be "9".

Caution :

The dates of the people shown above are the masters of the masters of such births. Such people should take care of your health throughout the year.

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About Author

I am an Astrologer and also working at Amazon affiliate marketing post. Working from home as freelancer.