Is Vaping safer than Smoking Cigarettes?

Is vaping safer compared to Smoking Cigarettes?

The key difference between traditional cigarettes, E-cigarettes and related products is that the latter don't contain tobacco. But it isn't just the tobacco in the cigarette that causes. Cigarettes contain huge list of chemicals that are proven to be very harmful.

While smoking can cause lung cancer, breast cancer, emphysema , heart diseases and other serious diseases, those diseases develop after decades of smoking.

However in recent years it has become clear that vaping can cause seizure and serious lung damage - based on CDC report of patients hospitialized for lung damage caused by vaping.

The body's reaction to many chemicals in a Cigarette smoke causes inflammation  which in turns leads to major chronic diseases like bronchitis , emphysema and other cardiovascular and threatening diseases.

There's also a risk of e cigarettes exploding in user's mouth while inhaling or vaping. A published study shows that around 4,000 e cigarettes bursting cases have been recorded so far only in US and England.This is something not acceptable as most of these e cigarettes are imported and have no authenticity when talking of manufacturer, quality or materials used in it etc. 

China leads the export of not only e cigarettes but other electronic products which can be made in the country itself but unfortunately won't or even if they manufacturer e cigarettes, they'll be all on low note because of competition from cigarette manufacturing companies like ITC,  Marlboro etc. Tell me one known and trusted company that makes e cigarettes and related products and supported by the government partially or fully, No!  Thats why Marlboro started production of e cigarettes so that it could keep up the market along. It's all fair business.

Lungs are made to intake only natural Air, i.e oxygen but vaping is considered to be less harming than Smoking on various other platforms. It is just the Nicotine crave. Rest is your fine Sense of judgement.

Stay Fit! Stay Happy! 

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Kristen Chavez - Aug 1, 2021, 1:13 AM - Add Reply

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