How's Sprout see the world's

Once upon a time a garden filled with beautiful flowers, trees and so many little plants. In all of them little seed lived at that place. His name is Sprout. Sprout was buried deep in the soil. So deep in soil.

Sprout had no contact with world. Sprout is not a normal seed, but a sleeping plant waiting to grow and see the world. 

One day in sunny morning a yellow ray of  sunshine 🌞 come through the soil and whispered " wake up sprout" The warmth of the sunshine tickled Sprout and making it feel cozy and loved. 

After that the raindrops had fallen on the earth in night and started sing their own song. Their voice was soft and bright. And say "wake up and join us in the wonderful world above Sprout" 

Sprout listening the voice from outside, the sunshine and raindrops sing together. Sprout feel a sudden urge to grow and want to reach out from soil and see this beautiful world. With burst of courage the little Sprout started to grow and reaching from the surface of soil and see the beautiful world. 

And Sprout see the garden. The garden was a kaleidoscope  of so many colors, filled with enchanting flowers and trees that swayed in the breeze. The sunshine rays kissed the Sprout leaves and the raindrops dances upon it's stem. 

With each passing days, Sprout grow taller, stronger and more vibrant. The little Sprout made so many friends with flowers, trees and even the insects are lived with them. They shared stories, laughters and the joy of living in the garden. 

As Sprout grow, it became a part of garden's tapestry, adding it's own color and beauty to the landscape. The Once tiny seed Had now blossoms into magnificent plant and it's journey had only just began. In the heart of every seeds lies the promise of wondrous journey and Sprout had embrace to call the sunshine and raindrops to become a part of the beautiful world. 

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