However don't miss, A Heart Touching Love Story .. Don't Miss?




He was beginning here 


The was start here

At the point when See nu: I love you ...! I want you ... 

Sheena: Nope, See nu ... I don't acknowledge our home ... Please 

See nu: If you fall on your legs, will persuade you... 

Sheena: Ana won't concede…. 

See nu: Why ....? 

Sheena: I have seen marriage. Commitment in three days. From that point forward, they get hitched for ten days. 

See nu: No ...! I won't allow that to occur. Going to your home at this moment. White: No ... Kindly Listen to Me ..... 

See nu: Why Priya? AAAA ...! You can not say in words ... You're frantic ... You are my life ... White: I know ... However, ... ??? As you probably are aware, our own is an extremely helpless family. Our dad's well-being is great. The activity should be performed. It costs north of 1,000,000. I like your young lady to come to our home as an official. He said. He is exceptionally rich ... "You are my mother and father... I won't allow you to get any harder. Deal with your young lady like our mom, "Said. I'm not sure what that second is ...! My mom was crying. 'Here Good relationship. Then, at that point, ... Nothing appeared to be more essential to me than my daddy. Because of his dad's activity. My mother was glad. The explanation is his adoration for me. Affection on my folks. Credit: outsider picture reference, You might think ... Regardless of whether his cash is willing ... Be that as it may, my dad needs me to live ... That wish has been satisfied. For that reason, your affection isn't open. Assuming your monetary circumstance is great, I got hitched yesterday. It is critical to live with life. Get that. Credit: outsider picture reference That's the reason you pursued me. I couldn't care less ... Presently, let me know what I did ...? (White keeps on crying ceaselessly) See nu: I don't realize that you have such an issue. My affection for you before my mother ...? You ought to be content long-lasting. That is my desire. White: I'll be glad ... (Cleaning away tears) But you should adore me to such an extent... One final word ... "The young lady you will be fortunate with." I'm grieved ...! I miss you so well. Tears came from the eyes of Sri, who heard it. Credit: outsider picture reference Friends ... I'm saying the last one ... "On the off chance that we love somebody, for what reason do their folks promptly concede ...?" They don't acknowledge the state of affairs. Keep thinking about whether the young lady will be content with him ... Also, don't envision a parent and a cherished young lady as a lowlife. They have their concerns. Anyway ... What we love is that we love the individuals who love us and need them to be content ... To hold them back from getting any harder ... The equivalent is genuine affection ...! I trust you comprehend. Assuming anybody's psyche is harmed. This is the narrative of our companion


They don't acknowledge the state of affairs. Keep thinking about whether the young lady will be content with him ... Furthermore, don't envision a parent and a cherished young lady as a lowlife. They have their concerns. Anyway ... What we love is that we love the individuals who love us and need them to be content ... To hold them back from getting any harder ... The equivalent is genuine romance ...! I trust you comprehend. On the off chance that anybody's psyche is harmed. This is the account of our companion


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