How to wean a baby from mother's milk? Know Tips

Mother's milk is very important for the child, but for some reason or after some age, the child has to stop feeding the mother's milk. You can get your baby weaned from the easy ways mentioned here.

Bottle-feeding babies: giving the bottle | Raising Children Network

Follow easy tips to wean the baby from mother's milk

Breastfeeding is essential until the baby is 6 months old. Doctors also recommend that the child must be breastfed till the age of 6 months. Breast milk contains all the nutrients that help in the development of the baby up to 6 months.

When to stop weaning ?

Breastfeeding strengthens the bond between mother and child. Apart from this, the baby also gets nutrition. Therefore, before weaning the baby from mother's milk, you should know what is the right time for this. After the baby is one year old, you can stop breast-feeding it.

How to wean a baby ?

You should not stop feeding the baby all at once, but take this process forward gradually. It is not good for you and your baby to stop feeding your baby too soon after starting solid food. After introducing solid food, the baby starts reducing the demand for milk on its own.

What to feed ?

Instead of refusing the baby when he asks for milk, try feeding him different new things. You can feed nutritious fruits like pear, banana, avocado to the child. Do not try to force feed. By doing this the baby will start crying.

How long is it necessary to breastfeed

Until one year of age, breast milk is the main source of hydration for the baby. Before this, it is not advised to give water and juice to children. Therefore, you must feed your milk to your baby till he is one year old.

Use Pacifier and Formula Milk

Giving pacifier in the mouth of babies is also a good way to wean them off. There are many benefits of giving pacifiers and it also helps to stop breastfeeding.

Milk is very important for babies, so when you stop breastfeeding, you should start giving them formula milk. Breastfeed the baby once a day and then feed it with a bottle or cup after the second. Formula milk is heavier than breast milk and keeps the baby's stomach full for a long time.

Keep away from breast

Babies feel most relaxed and comfortable in the mother's lap and if it is not necessary that every time the child holds your breast only because of hunger. Many times, babies also start holding on to the breast to stay close to the mother and rest in her lap.

If you want to stop breastfeeding, then in this situation divert your child's attention to other things.

Do not wean off milk at this time

Do not try to wean your baby when he is sick or teething. During this, the baby needs breast milk more than solid food. Keep on feeding your baby patiently till the baby is healthy again.
















Mother's milk is very important for the child, but for some reason or after some age, the child has to stop feeding the mother's milk. You can get your baby weaned from the easy ways mentioned here.

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