How to Use and Disburse Funds from the MPLADS (E-Sakshi) Portal


The Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) is a crucial initiative aimed at empowering Members of Parliament (MPs) to contribute towards the development of their constituencies. The MPLADS (E-Sakshi) portal has been established to streamline the process of fund allocation and disbursement, making it more transparent and accessible. This article will guide MPs, administrators, and stakeholders on how to effectively use and disburse funds through the MPLADS (E-Sakshi) portal.

Step 1: Registration and Login To begin the process, MPs need to register on the MPLADS (E-Sakshi) portal. Once registered, they can log in using their credentials. It is essential to ensure that login details are kept secure to prevent unauthorized access.

Step 2: Proposal Submission MPs can submit project proposals through the MPLADS (E-Sakshi) portal for various development activities in their constituencies. The proposals should align with the guidelines and objectives of the MPLADS scheme. Clear details about the project, its objectives, and the estimated cost should be included in the proposal.

Step 3: Scrutiny and Approval After the submission of proposals, the concerned authorities will scrutinize them to ensure they adhere to the MPLADS guidelines. Once the proposals are approved, the funds will be allocated to the respective MPs' accounts for implementation.

Step 4: Project Implementation MPs play a pivotal role in overseeing the successful implementation of the approved projects. They need to collaborate with local authorities, agencies, and communities to ensure that the allocated funds are utilized effectively. Regular updates on project progress should be provided through the MPLADS (E-Sakshi) portal.

Step 5: Fund Disbursement The MPLADS (E-Sakshi) portal facilitates the seamless disbursement of funds for approved projects. MPs can monitor the fund disbursement status through the portal, ensuring the allocated funds reach the designated projects on time. Proper documentation and transparency are crucial at this stage.

Step 6: Monitoring and Evaluation To maintain accountability and transparency, MPs should actively monitor the progress of the implemented projects. Regular reports on the status of projects, utilization of funds, and outcomes should be submitted through the MPLADS (E-Sakshi) portal.

Step 7: Closing the Project Once the project is completed, MPs need to provide a detailed report on the outcomes, challenges faced, and lessons learned. This information should be documented and submitted through the MPLADS (E-Sakshi) portal for record-keeping and future reference.


The MPLADS (E-Sakshi) portal is a powerful tool that empowers Members of Parliament to contribute significantly to the development of their constituencies. By following the steps outlined in this guide, MPs can effectively use and disburse funds, ensuring that projects align with the overall development goals and benefit the communities they serve. This streamlined process fosters transparency, accountability, and efficient utilization of MPLADS funds for the betterment of society.





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