How to treat kidney stones at home?

Let us know how to do kidney treatment at home....

1. Make powder by taking carrot and radish seeds 10-10 grams, gokhru 20 grams, jawakhar and hazrul yudh 5-5 grams and make pudia of 4-4 grams. Take one dose at 6 am, second dose at 8 pm and third dose at 4 pm with milk-water lassi.   It is a very effective treatment.

2. Amaranth vegetable is effective in melting stones. Boil it and chew it slowly and eat it. Do this 3-4 times a day.

3. Take half a kilo of Bathua vegetable. Boil it in 800 ml water. Now filter it in a cloth or tea strainer. Mix Bathua vegetable also, mash it well and mix. Mix half a teaspoon of black pepper and a little rock salt and drink. By using it 3-4 times a day, kidney disorders are cured and stones are removed.

4. Onion contains stone destroying elements. Make a paste by grinding about 70 grams of onion well or by running it in a mixer. Squeeze it with a cloth and extract the juice. By drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach, the stones break into small pieces and pass out.

5. Eating two-three apples daily provides relief in kidney stones.

6. Watermelon has high water content. Eat watermelon every day as long as it is available. Watermelon has also been found to have a potency enhancing effect similar to that of Viagra pill for men. 

7. There is evidence of getting rid of stones by drinking horse gram lentil soup. Make a decoction by boiling 20 grams of horse gram in two cups of water. Drink in the morning and before sleeping at night.

8. Research has found that the use of Vitamin B-6 i.e. Pyridoxine eliminates stones and also prevents the formation of new stones. Taking a dose of 100 to 150 mg for several months provides permanent solution to stone disease.

9. Due to abundance of potassium and water in grapes, it has proved beneficial in kidney diseases. It is low in albumin and sodium which is good for the kidneys.

10. Grind dried gooseberries finely. There is evidence that by applying this powder on chopped radish and chewing it thoroughly, stones can be removed within a few weeks.

11. Climb the stool and jump on the floor 15-20 times. The stone will slide down and pass through urine. Weak people should not use this.

12. Take sugar candy, fennel and dry coriander in the quantity of 50-50 grams, soak them in one and a half liter water overnight, filter after 24 hours, grind fennel and coriander and make this paste again; By mixing it in liquid mixture and drinking it continuously, urinary stones are removed. 

13. Mixing 5 grams of Javakhar in about 250 ml of whey of cow's milk and drinking it in the morning and evening eliminates kidney stones.

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