How to teach body safety rules to your Children?

Parenting tips: 

Everyone loves to spend with their children, but in modern times where both they are working it leads to circumstances where you have to leave the child at daycare or alone at home. Leaving a child without any supervision or guidance can become a cause of worry about parents. It's important to teach children about the dos and don'ts to follow when they are alone.

Parents frequently worry about the safety of their kids and try hard to teach them about things like water safety and street safety. We make sure they have raincoats on when it is raining, apply sunscreen when sunny, and look both ways before crossing the street. But we frequently neglect to instruct them on proper body principles. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls are victims before the age of 18 and according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data, in 96 per cent of the cases, most of the bad people were known to the children.

 Therefore, the safety of your children should be your first priority, and it is highly important to make your child aware and educate them about the body safety rules. Teaching children about bodily safety and having these safety dialogues are never too early. For both the parent and the child, having this talk might be unsettling, frightening, or even intimidating, but avoiding it will do your child a great disservice.

 Keeping an open communication, and including this topic in your parenting conversations, can make all the difference for your child. Reinforce that you will always believe them and that they can tell you anything and will never get in trouble no matter what happens.


 1. My body is my body and it     belongs to me 

Teach your kids to say "NO". If they don't want to kiss or hug someone, they should be able to say no to a person. Teach them the difference between a good touch and a bad touch. 

2. I have a safety, people

Teach them they can trust five people. Make a list of 4-5 safety people whom they can come and tell if they feel worried, scared or unsure.

3. The correct name for the private parts

Teach them the right name of the private parts. Teach them no one can touch their private parts and no one should ask them to touch it. They can always come and tell to their safety people if they feel uncomfortable about it.

4. Safety and unsafely touch

Teach them at an early age around 2.5 to 3 years to differentiate between safe and unsafe touch. Make them understand safe touch like hugging, high-fives makes them feel loved, safe and comfortable. Unsafe touch makes them feel uncomfortable and unsafe.

5. Early warning signs

Teach them the early warning signs. If they feel frightened or unsafe, they may sweat a lot, have a sick tummy, become shaky and their heart might beat fast.

6. Body Secrets

Teach them they should never keep any secrets which make them uncomfortable or feel bad about it. Teach them they should come and tell the safety people about it if they feel unsafe or bad about it.





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Mohammed Asees - Sep 4, 2022, 6:07 PM - Add Reply

Very good 👍

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About Author

I am master’s degree holder with distinction in English literature. My interests lies in writing, reading, painting, travelling, parenting and cooking. I am happily married with three kids.

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