How to start Programming?

How to start Programming?

So basically, what is Programming?

It is a skill that allows you to design a computer program. It allows you to communicate with a machine

to do a particular task which you want it to do. You can make creative and revolutionary projects with 


Top Mainframe Programming Languages for Mainframe Admins


How to start?

So this is a ubiquitous question asked by beginners how should I start my Journey of Programming. So

the answer is to go for Python, C, or C++. These languages allow you to understand the Computer, and it is also

fun. With these, you can find amazing things AI (Artificial Intelligence), Game Development, etc.

So what do we need to start this Journey?

It would be best if you had a Laptop or PC (Personal Computer) and must have Editors for those Languages. Wait what

is an editor; it is actually like a medium through which the Computer can understand the language, Remember

all languages have a different editor, just like we have different Languages in every Country.


Which Editor should I use for C, C++, or Python?

Top 3 Editors for C, C++

1) Visual Studio


2) Turbo C++


3) Eclipse


Note: Do not Download from unknown websites; download from official websites only


Do Projects

If you only read and get the theory knowledge from what you learned it will be very boring. Keep doing fun projects with what you have learned in programming and show it to your friends. You will inspire them if they have not started yet.


Where should I learn from?

Many people think you can only learn to program if you pay to a course, No you can learn Programming easily now because of the internet evolution you can learn basics from youtube tutorials and learn advanced things from websites like W3 Schools, etc. and remember never forget doing fun things with what you have learned


How much time does it take to become Professional Programmer?

According to my experience, it totally depends on you how much time you give to it and how much interest you have in it. If you give 2 hours per day for Programming for 3 - 4 months,, you will become perfect in a particular programming language,, s, so becoming a professional programmeryear of hard work. "Remember, Hard work beats Talent."


How to stay fit and do Programming?

Remember never to sit in the same position in front of the computer because it can affect your eyes and spinal cord,, leading to small headaches. So keep moving in the middle and do some exercises. Do not stare at any Electronic device for too long, like  2 - 3 hours; keep blinking your eyes. Keep your eyes clean by washing your eyes with water when you feel your eyes are straining.

If you can find a sport you enjoy doing, you will never have to exercise. Exercising to exhaustion has a great side effect - you get into good physical shape and burn off calories (plus lower your appetite for several hours). I’m talking in general about an active sport where you are chasing around a ball. Holding a racket is a plus (like singles tennis, racketball, for example). The full-body movement is the key and building up to play an hour or more, 4 days/week.


Programming has other benefits too.

Programming or Coding helps your daily problem-solving methodology. It boosts your Brain and amazingly also Improves your Maths Skills.

Keep Learning Keep Enjoying.

For extra knowledge about Programming and its History, you can visit:

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