7 YouTube tips for beginners

Tips for starting a YouTube channel

1. Pick the right channel name

The perfect YouTube channel name:

  • Has your company or personal name in it.
  • Has a word or phrase that categorizes it.
  • Is short and easy to say.
  • 2. Pick the right niche

    Relax, this is easier than choosing a channel name. Why? Because unlike death and taxes, you can change your content niche.

    You may think you’re passionate enough about something to fill hundreds of hours worth of content… But, you’ll find out for sure when the grind gets tough and you don’t want to get up early and film another video about it.

    You can change your niche later, although it may risk alienating any audience you’ve already built — so do spend some time defining what your channel is going to be about.

    To pick your niche, ask yourself:

    • What do I lose track of time doing?
    • What could I talk to my friends about for hours?
    • In my free time, what do I search/watch/learn about online?

    3. Set a consistent posting schedule

    The road to YouTube failure is paved with good intentions.

    If you want to be a serious YouTuber, you need to treat it like the job it is. That means setting a consistent and realistic publishing schedule and sticking to it.

    Many new creators plan on one video per week. But if you’re just starting, you’re likely juggling a full-time job and other responsibilities. Once weekly may not be realistic for you.

    Consistency matters more than frequency. If you can only make a video once every two weeks, that’s fine.

  • 4. Make small improvements in every video


    As popular YouTuber  says, “Your first video is going to suck.” He recommends instead of trying to make every video “the best,” try to improve one small element each time. Try a new title sequence, add some background music, or test a new editing software.

    Those small changes add up over time to improve your channel without being overwhelming.

  • YouTube SEO tips

    5. Use relevant keywords in video titles

    YouTube is a search engine, like Google — except the search results are all video.

  • Keywords can be as simple as one word (“tech” in the example above). Phrases of two or more words will often give both YouTube and people a better idea of your topic, such as “house tech,” “drawing tech,” and “smart home.”

    Don’t go overboard here — one keyword in your title is fine. Plus: Keep it short.




    More importantly, aim for around 60 characters max for your title length, which is about 8-10 words (with spaces). You’re allowed 100 characters, but only the first 60 show in search results.
  • 6. Link to important info in video descriptions

    Use the rest of the description field to tell viewers about you, your business, and link out to your other platforms.

    This can be a boilerplate template that’s more or less the same for each video, though consider tweaking it if:

    • You have a sale, special offer, or event to promote.
    • You mentioned any products in your video. (Include affiliate links!)

    Otherwise, always include:

    • Video timestamps (learn how to make these later in this article).
    • Links to your other social profiles.
    • Your website and/or a specific landing page.
    • A short blurb about you/your company.
    • Contact information.
    • 7. Set your channel tags

      Channel keywords act like general labels for your channel, telling YouTube what your main topics are. The titles and descriptions of each of your videos are more important for your overall YouTube SEO, but these take 5 seconds to set up, so why not, right?

      From YouTube Studio, click on Settings then Channel.

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