How to Plan Your Success?

"Work on your plan now"

Early in my career, I was told, “Most people have a business plan, but the problem is they don't follow through on the plan.” The same can be said for New Year's resolutions. How many promises have you made and how many of them will you keep?

One of the main problems is sometimes setting too many goals. Another problem may be that one goal is so dramatic that it would take up all of your time to achieve it. It can be so huge it's overwhelming. At this stage, not only will you not work on this idea, but the state of overwhelm will prevent you from achieving your other simpler goals.

For example, if you wanted to become nationally known this year, you'd have to make big moves in public relations to achieve that. This would mean speaking everywhere you can, demonstrating your expertise, contacting as many media outlets as possible, and continuing to be seen and heard in every way known to mankind.

At the same time, you still have all the other avenues of your business that you have to deal with as the CEO of your own company. How do you deal with this dilemma?

In my mind, I compared a big year-long project to a one-day vitamin. My suggestion is to break down public relations strategies into actionable tasks. First, sketch out absolutely everything you can think of that will need to be attempted and completed to feel 100% successful. Then prioritize the steps in order of which will take the longest.

Start with the most difficult and time-consuming tasks first. The rationale here is twofold. First, you have the biggest excitement at the beginning of the year, as in, "I'm going to do it this time!" So now it will be easier to deal with a difficult task. Second, if you start a long project at the end of the year, you might not finish it on time and feel like you let yourself down.

Now that you know which task to start, complete at least one of its steps each day, depending on how much time you can devote to the project. Here I liken the process to a daily vitamin.

One task a day dedicated to your highest priority will give you new energy to keep going! You will feel the excitement and the adrenaline will flow. Your project will become easier and more enjoyable every day as you complete the task.

Once you get used to the daily routine of working on your big project, it will be easier to squeeze in a few smaller tasks as well. Within a few months, you will start to feel like you are making progress in learning and other areas of your business are also growing. As all areas of your business come together, a new business will come your way with much less effort.

When you work strategically, worries diminish and smiles return to your faces. At the same time, be sure to help those who need your area of ​​expertise or want to follow in your footsteps. Your new demeanor will attract new clients because you are happy, confident, and successful. You'll also build repeat business, referrals, and referrals – all essential ingredients for success.

Every few months you will be able to see and measure your progress. By the middle of the year, you should feel quite popular. By the end of the year, you will succeed and you will be known throughout the country!

More business-building ideas:

– At the end of each week, view each day's achievements

– On Friday, come up with a daily task plan for the following week

– After completing difficult tasks, incorporate easier ones

– Increase the dose of vitamins or daily tasks as the routine becomes easier

- Share your good news of success

– Promise yourself to take vitamins year after year

The result of paying extra attention to your plan is that it will be successful and your profits will grow!

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