How to make your relationship good .

Hello Friends so taday's topic how to make your relationship good .

1- Friends  Never make a promise when you are so happy. beacuse if you are not able to complete your promise at that time your partner will get upset by not completing your promise so keep remember this thing. You are everything for your partner if you guys are in a very good relationaship terms 

2-  Never be too possessive against your partner because not at all time he like this that you so possessive in his work and his activities. if you going too chance his work his decission keep remeber that you have take his permission its very important not at all time one person is right in every decission so check it in a manner way

3- Always understand your partner feeling but never broke his trust by cheating her because if she is so clear about you and respects you and yours feeling  so please if she was clear you have to also  clear the missunderstandings . Trust helps overcome obstacles. it is the blinding factor for all craks and differnces in a relationhip. You know deep down can overcome the problem and feek safe and secure witg your partner.


4- Give him some time for some decission beacuse not all time she,he was ready for your decission so remember this thing it is very important in a realtionship. because instant decission are getting you in danger and also your partner so before taking any decission keep calm and be clear that what are you doing its right or wong .does it harms you or does it helps you.

5- Friends you have always to praise your partners for examples his looks ,his work, his feelings, his intelligence. So is getting very by your some good words every one paise him but your compliments are so important him/her

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