How to make Strong Immunity || Reason for weak Immunity

How to make Strong Immunity || Reason for weak Immunity

The immune system is our body's number one defense mechanism, protecting it from various types of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Our immune system and our health are directly related; the stronger the immune system, the more protection it will have against cold viruses and other diseases that can attack your body, but weak immunity is more prone to frequent colds and careless healing well as fatigue and lethargy.

Several factors can weaken your immunity and make you more susceptible to disease, and you might be surprised to learn that many everyday habits actually damage your immune system - in fact, most of your habits have a direct impact on your immune system.

Especially in old age, it is important to adopt healthy habits and stop bad habits to keep your immune system strong.


Let's look at the top ten everyday habits that directly damage your immunity.

bad sleeping habits:

bad sleeping habits weaken the immune system acts and reduces the number of killer white blood cells that fight germs a 2017 study published in the Journal of Sleep, the researchers took blood samples from 11 identical twins but different sleep patterns and found that the twin who slept the shortest had a weakened immune system and an active reduced number of lymphocytes in the blood of your brother or sister Sister avoid skipping sleep.


Develop proper sleep hygiene in bedat a specific time each night and trying to wake up at the same time each morning; make sure you get seven to nine hours of good sleep each night.

White blood cells to kill sugar germs prevents vitamin C in practice in the white blood cells, which leads to a strangely weakened immunity; the immunosuppressive effects of sugar begin within 30 minutes of ingestion and can last for many hours when you have to eat something sweet like oranges, apples, mangoes, watermelons, and fruits To eat others that contain natural sugars to satisfy your cravings for vitamin C, these fruits will help you too Immune System Works More Efficiently The benefits that a daily glass of wine can provide to cardiovascular health have been scientifically proven. Still, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can eliminate all the benefits of moderate consumption as wine gives many high levels of alcohol that cannot be metabolized by the body weakens the immune system's capacity.



Excessive consumption of alcohol also reduces the production of white blood cells, slows digestive activity, and overloads the work of the liver, reducing its ability to store vitamins. All these factors contribute to poor immunity Alcoholics, when controlling the consumption of some alcoholic beverages, can be accepted with tobacco. There is no limit. Allowed cigarettes contain more than 250 highly toxic substances, some of which are even considered poisonous, such as ammonia, arsenic, nicotine, and toluene; the human body cannot process chemicals as strong and devastating as those in cigarettes.


All human systems consuming too much coffee and other beverages containing caffeine is also not good for your immunity. Excess caffeine stimulates your nervous system by increasing the level of stress in the body. High stress triggers the release of stress hormones such as cortisol. Strengthens the immune system, making you more prone to infections and other health problems.


So limit yourself to just 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day. Eating too much junk food can be bad. For your immunity, junk food is often high in fat, and overeating is a major cause of obesity. High levels of saturated fat can damage the immune system even before it manifests in the form in which it appeared. Elevated cortisol levels are also linked to cardiovascular-related health problems.

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