Hello friends.

One of the biggest challenges we all face today

It is about how to guide our children in the right way and make them a better human being in the future. today it has become a huge challenge for all of us.

There are many reasons for this but we are going to look at one of the most important of them in this section.


10 Apps for Parents to Monitor Kids' Mobile Use - FamilyEducation

Today there is no country in the world without Android mobile phones. Android phones range from small children to adults to the extent that there is no gram

Use. It is no exaggeration to say that it has mixed with our lives to that extent.

In the early days mobile phones were only used to communicate with someone and perform conversations. But now that has completely changed.


The reason is that mobile phones have made our work so much easier. This is something we all know and we will all take some time to read this section in its entirety to find out what the risks are. So those who read this collection can fully read and know how to protect our children from such evils. You can share it with others.

Most of us are married and have children. If our children cry we will do many things to reassure them. One of them is handing out mobile phones. Most parents think that the child is quiet looking at mobile phones. But the real thing is it doesn’t.

Kids love the display light of that mobile phone and the noise and music that can come from it. This is the real thing. Many of us do not know this. I do not even know why. Until recently.

Now let us know what are the disadvantages of this.

Young children, ie children over 3 years of age, have a lot of eye problems.The first is poor eyesight. The second is the development of problems such as myopia and farsightedness. Visual impairment in only one of the third two eyes. All three of these problems are often overlooked by physicians.

Childhood Eye Diseases and Conditions - American Academy of Ophthalmology

Thus children are forced to wear eyeglasses at an early age. Wearing eye glasses like that diminishes the beauty of our children on the one hand and on the other hand makes them subject to teasing and teasing from fellow children. This causes a scar on the face, especially on the nose.

If we go to the next stage, the brain will be greatly affected. Let's see how.

The first of which is Play Games. Especially Android

Games are also available for free by turning off the Play Store on mobiles. That is the most important reason. These games are very easy for our children to learn what the general characters in them do and what the characters do. This is what greatly distracts our children's brains. It makes our children addicted to it.

A few months ago I went to my friend’s house. I saw his baby there for a while. He was doing his deeds very aggressively. I asked my friend because his actions seemed different to me. My whole body trembled when I heard my friend's answer to that. So what do you think he said? I mean his son was constantly playing games on the mobile phone so his brain nerves were severely damaged and he lost his consciousness i.e. he was wandering around forgetting his identity to the extent that he did not even know what he was doing. The biggest drawback like this for a 6 year old boy. The child is currently receiving treatment as advised by doctors.What are the signs of video game addiction in children? - Panda Security

Kids with MS face higher risk of mental disorders | MDedge PsychiatryHow does playing a sport develop your child's mental health? | DoubleScoop

This situation is more likely to happen to our children tomorrow. Let me tell you about how to protect our children from them. Even the advice of doctors.

We must first avoid giving our children mobile phones. Try to send them to school at the appropriate age. Only then will their thoughts change. Their thoughts do not turn to the mobile phone page when talking and playing with children.

When they get home from school, give them nutritious food and put them to sleep for a while. Then read their lessons. Let the neighbors play with the kids for a while. Tell them good stories of the good things we know when we go to bed after dinner. Only then will they come to be a good man and a structured man like us.

I firmly record here that they will follow for the rest of their lives what we teach them.

Thank you and good bye.

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