How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism

When your thyroid is not functioning at its best, losing weight can be a challenge. If you have been diagnosed with a slow operating thyroid and wondered how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, you will find the strategies you need for success right here.

Hypothyroidism is a condition that affects the thyroid gland and causes the process of hormone production that normally regulates the body’s systems of operation to become slow. When the process is underactive and the thyroid does not produce the required thyroid hormone, people tend to pack on the weight and find it challenging to lose. Your body has a tendency to work against itself because your metabolism runs at a slow rate.

With all of the bad news surrounding hypothyroidism and weight loss, it doesn’t have to be the end of you getting fit and trim. Weight loss may be tough, but there are ways around this giant and pounds can be shed. Below are some helpful tips to assist you in losing weight with hypothyroidism:


Examine Your Calories

Not all calories are created equal! If you want to lose weight you need to pay attention to the types of calories you consume. Just because you consume smaller portions of sweets and high fatty foods does not mean that you will lose weight, especially when diagnosed with hypothyroidism. On the contrary, you do not want to drastically cut calories either because your metabolism will slow making it even more difficult to lose weight.

Take in calories that are high in value, such as vitamins, nutrients, and fiber. Eat a healthy supply of vegetables and fruit each day and avoid low-value carbs like chips, sodas, ice cream, and white bread.


Implement Exercise

Fighting through the fatigue brought on by hypothyroidism can be difficult, but once you start you will be glad you did. The key is to start gently by going for a walk every morning or bicycling in the evenings. You don’t have to train like Lance Armstrong, but a gentle exercise routine at first gets your metabolism revved up and ready to fight through the weight loss challenge.


Get Your Rest

According to the National Sleep Foundation, people who sleep less than six hours a night have a higher body mass index (BMI) than those who gain eight hours of sleep or more a night. Your rest is crucial to weight loss, especially when you suffer from hypothyroidism. You may experience fewer bouts of fatigue and tiredness throughout the day if you get ample rest.


Visit the Doctor

People who leave hypothyroidism untreated may experience ongoing health problems such as heart disease, high cholesterol, fatigue, and even problems with fertility. If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, visit your doctor regularly for check-ups. This is especially important if your doctor has prescribed synthetic thyroid medication.

The doctor will be monitoring your weight loss to see if the medication amounts need to be adjusted. At first, you may lose weight right away and then taper off once your system becomes used to the synthetic drug.

Being diagnosed with hypothyroidism does not have to define you. There are ways to work around the diagnosis and start losing weight today. Be open to change and a little hard work and you will be well on your way to shedding those unwanted pounds.

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