How to lose weight naturally?

Everybody desires to appear beautiful. Because of this desire, he works hard day and night. He uses various tricks and spends money on them. Sometimes he succeeds in this effort and sometimes he fails.   

         Every man or woman has his very own preference for beauty. Some like fair skin, and some like brown complexion. Some like lengthy hair, and a few like quick hair. But one thing that everyone dislikes is fatness. All precious dresses and jewellery go to waste if you are overweight and then the whole preparation remains a thorn in the side.

What is Obesity?   



        So, first of all, we have to know what obesity is. For this, we must first know our height. Only then, we can find out whether we are suffering from obesity or not.                                                                                                If our height is between 5' to 5'5" then our weight should be less than 60 kg. If our height is between 5'5" to 6' our weight should be 72 kg or less. Similarly, if our height is between 6' to 6'6" then our weight should be 82 kg or less. If our weight is more than this ratio, we will call it obesity.

Diseases Caused by Obesity 


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   Excess weight causes a person to suffer from an inferiority complex and many physical problems. Along with many minor problems. obesity also causes diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, uric acid, joint pain, and depression.

     So by controlling our weight, we can avoid these diseases easily. But for this, we have to work with patience and consistency. A person usually needs 2200 to 2800 calories daily which we get from five major components in our diet. They are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

        All components are important for our body but excessive use of Carbohydrates and fats causes weight gain. There are three types of carbohydrates in our food. Sugar, starch, and fibers. Fibers are very important for our body and digestive system. we have to take those that are rich in fiber but low in sugar and starch. In this way, we can reduce our calories from 2200-2800 to 1500.

  Very important point  

        We have to make sure that we take proteins, vitamins, and minerals as per our body's needs. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals can cause many problems in our body such as skin disorders, hair fall, broken nails, memory loss, fatigue, etc. Similarly, proteins give strength to our body due to which we perform our daily tasks. It protects and increases our immune system.

Choose your meals wisely

1-  Consume wholegrain flour instead of white flour (because of fibers).

2-  Have plenty of water.

3-  Prefer chicken and fish and avoid mutton and beef.

4-  Have fresh fruits and stop using canned and processed food.

5-  Consume brown sugar instead of refined sugar.

6-  Have a complete 8 hours sleep.

7-  Avoid stress and stop using alcohol, and smoking. 

8-  Do light or vigorous exercise daily for 30 to 60 minutes.

9-  It is better that most of our diet consists of vegetables and fruits.

10- Drink skimmed milk and stop using fizzy drinks.


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