How to lead a Long Healthy Life - seven tips to follow

The need for a healthy lifestyle has increased significantly through modern innovative medical research and technology that have proved to be beneficial for humanity but still, it can not ensure the protection from various health problems caused due to unhealthy lifestyles. It will be in the fitness of things if we stop relying on modern health technology and adopt a healthy lifestyle, thus living close to nature to avoid any eventuality of being sick.                                                                                             The little care and prevention are undoubtedly better than expensive and painful treatment afterward, which may be avoided. To lead a healthy long life free from obesity and illness, the following tips are vital for human health.                        Exercise Regularly  In the past, people had to use their physical bodies during their normal activities. Now excessive use of vehicles and comforts of life has relaxed our bodies too much while we don't exert much. We use cars and go to the workplace, sit there and return, then again sit on the couch to watch TV, so in fact, our physical activity is as such much reduced.  In such a life, there is a lack of an active lifestyle.  Many diseases are caused by this dysfunction. Things like Sports activities, jogging and running, travel and other things must be part of our daily lives.                           Get timely Sleep This may sound simple, but many people stay awake even when the body tells them it is time to go to bed. Medical practitioners also say that we must sleep at night and rise to work during the day. However, we find that sometimes people like students take coffee and stimulants to awake late for study purposes. It leads to developing the bad habit of working at night and then sleeping in the daytime. Although we do this, it has an irreparable impact on health. We must avoid this unnatural lifestyle leading to cause cancer and other diseases, the health professionals say.                                                                                                         Eat when you feel hungry This is also a simple concept, but we also oppose physical messages. If you are eating out of habit or out of social pressure at some point in the day,  unless there is genuine food appetite don't eat unnecessarily, you are not digesting your food properly. Commonly, Acidity and indigestion are developed, contributing to developing other complex diseases. We all know that Anorexia reflects a sign of good health, so eat only if required, else wait a bit and eat when you feel like it. (if even after waiting for a long time you do not feel like eating, it needs a doctor's consultation.)                                                                                                             Give rest to the digestive system  If you ask anyone to work 365 days a year without rest, you will complain that he or she should rest or not. Do we ever bother that our digestive system organs need rest also? Do they protest as we protest for our interests to our employers? So we must be careful before these organs stop working suddenly. When we ignore those signs and force them to work, those limbs break down. Therefore, occasional fasting is needed. One full day of avoidance of eating will serve the purpose. This relaxes digestive organs and removes impurities from your body. Mental and spiritual goals are ensured for more time through Regular fasting.  Fasting is and not specific for people living in caves.                                               Wash with cool water before going to sleep   As mentioned above, proper sleep is essential for maintaining good health. If you wash your vital organs and nerves (hands, arms, eyes, legs, mouth, genitals) before going to bed using cool water, this will relax and prepare you for deep sleep.                                                           Meditate regularly,  There is great interconnectivity between body and mind. We all know that Many diseases of this period have been treated as psychosomatic. Our physical health is badly affected by depression and anxiety. We can get rid of life's anxieties through mental exercises provided by Meditation. So be at ease and practice it regularly.                                                                                                                   Get up early morning    Once again, the old adage, “Getting up early in the morning, getting up early, is the best way to stay healthy, rich, and smart.” I don't know if it will enrich you, but it will make you healthier. We should sleep enough to relax our body, which should neither for short hours nor for long hours.                                         These tips are not in any way wrongful, rather these tips will benefit in one way or the other and must be followed to stay healthy and long life free from any disease or illness which may be confronted any time in life. So live a healthy lifestyle and feel the difference.



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