How to know about Whatsapp update




Today we're excited to introduce Channels: a simple, reliable, and private way to receive important updates from people and organizations, right within What. Ware building Channels in a new tab called Updates - where you will find Status and channels you choose to follow - separate from your chats with family, friends, and communities.

Finally, we will enable channel administrators to control who can follow their channel and whether or not they want it to be found in the directory. Given the purpose of Channels is to reach wide audience, channels are not end-to-end encrypted by default. We do believe there are some situations—like non-profit or health organization—where end-to-end encrypted channels to restricted audience would make sense, and we're looking at this as potential future option. We're thrilled to collaborate with eminent international voices and particular organizations in Singapore and Colombia, where Channels will first be accessible, to develop, refine, and expand the experience. We plan to expand the reach of Channels to additional nations, enabling anyone to We also think there's chance to aid admins by giving them means to use our growing payment services to create company around their channel and by letting them advertise certain channels in the directory to help raise awareness. Naturally, private messaging between friends, family, and communities will remain at the heart of WhatsApp's user base, and we will always prioritize that. For years, our users have urged us to take significant step, which is to build channels. We hope you enjoy utilizing our straightforward, dependable, and private broadcast tool in the months and years to ahead. We believe the moment is finally ripe to launch it.

Channels are a one way broadcast tool for admin to send text, photos, videos, stickers, and polls. To help you select channels to follow, we're building a search able directory where you can find your hobbies, sports teams, updates..

We're thrilled to present Channels today: a quick, dependable, and confidential method to get significant updates from individuals and groups directly within what app. In a new tab called Updates, we're introducing Channels. This tab will house your chosen channels and your status updates, keeping your conversations with loved ones and friends separate.


admin can transmit text, images, videos, stickers, polls, and more in one direction via channels. We're creating a search able directory where you can find your interests, sports teams, updates, and more to help you choose which channels to follow.

Our goal is to create the best exclusive broadcast service out there. The first step in doing this is safeguarding the private data of administrators and followers. Your phone number and profile picture are hidden from followers as channel admin. Similarly, you may prevent the admin and other followers from finding out your phone number by following channel. It's private and up to you who you choose to follow. As with the messaging we create, we don't think Channel updates have to be permanent. As result, we will only keep channel history on our servers for maximum of 30 days, and we will implement methods to cause changes to disappear from followers' devices even quicker. Moreover, administrators will be able to prevent screenshots and forwards from coming from their channel.

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