How to install Android apps on Windows 11?

Presenting Android™ Apps on Windows 11 to Windows Insiders. 

Windows is a stage for makers

Windows is the most open stage on earth for makers. Part of living our obligation to transparency is inviting accomplice advancements and content that convey strong encounters. Also, what makes Windows, all things considered, Windows is the assortment of applications accessible. Along these lines, with Windows 11, we declared another Microsoft Store to feature the best encounters from engineers, an adaptable and straightforward business model, and the presentation of Android™ applications.


Today, we are reporting the principal review of our Android applications experience into the Windows Insider Program. We are pleased to convey this involvement in our accomplices – Amazon and Intel – to Dev and Beta Channel clients in the United States on qualified gadgets running Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm stages.


Experience Android applications on Windows interestingly

To make a plunge, open the new Microsoft Store and observe a determination of versatile encounters that were not accessible on Windows previously. These Android applications and games join our more extensive list, which has all that you are searching for – from center to easygoing games, complex usefulness suites to social encounters, inventiveness devices to specialty specialist applications, and designer instruments to whole virtualized conditions.

Home page of Store spotlighting Amazon Appstore.

Our new Microsoft Store search experience conveys the best outcomes accessible, paying little mind to the innovation used to construct an application, since we are focused on offering you a decision when more than one choice is free. Also, when you're prepared to download an Android application, the Amazon Appstore will direct you through the remainder of the stream and get you on your way.


Running Android applications and games on Windows 11 will feel recognizable, easy, and incorporated – similarly as you would anticipate. You can undoubtedly run these applications one next to the other with the assistance of the new Snap Layouts include, pin them to your Start menu or Taskbar, and interface with them through mouse, contact, or pen input. Android applications are likewise incorporated into Alt + Tab and Task view to assist you with rapidly moving to and fro between the applications that matter most to you. You can see warnings from Android applications notices in the Notification Center, divide your clipboard among a Windows application and an Android application. We have constructed the involvement in openness as a main priority; numerous Windows availability settings apply to Android applications, we are working with Amazon to convey more enhancements.

We have joined forces with Amazon and well known application engineers to organize 50 applications for Windows Insiders to test and approve across an expansive arrangement of equipment. We will deliver new applications through Windows Insider Program refreshes before long.


The following are a couple of instances of what you can attempt today:

Read your Kindle books on a Surface Pro X.

Portable games: Play the absolute most famous versatile games like Lords Mobile, June's Journey, Coin Master, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Perusing: Enjoy perusing your beloved book with Kindle, or an advanced comic series with Comics on your Windows tablet and swipe pages no sweat of a finger.

Kids content: Teach your kid math, perusing, and composing abilities with grant winning Khan Academy Kids, or construct new computerized spaces with Lego Duple World. 

 Based on new Windows stage innovation

To empower these kinds of encounters, we are presenting another part on top of Windows 11 called Windows Subsystem for Android™, which drives the Amazon Appstore and its index. The Subsystem incorporates the Linux piece and the Android OS, dependent on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) rendition 11. It is circulated through the Microsoft Store as a feature of the Amazon Appstore introduce, which will permit clients to remain refreshed over the long run as we keep on adding support for more APIs, capacities, and situations. The Subsystem runs in a Hyper-V Virtual Machine, similar to the Windows Subsystem for Linux. It sees how to plan the runtime and APIs of applications in the AOSP climate to the Windows realistic layer, the memory supports, the information modes, the physical and virtual gadgets, and the sensors.

Matchington Mansion (Windows Subsystem for Android), Word (Win32), Pinterest (PWA), and Gimp (Windows Subsystem for Linux) apps running side by side.

Types (AMD, Intel, and Qualcomm). We are collaborating with Intel to use Intel Bridge Technology to empower Arm-just applications to run on AMD and Intel gadgets, empowering clients to get the broadest arrangement of applications on the broadest arrangement of gadgets. To give a performant and secure client experience for the Windows Insider Program, the Subsystem requires Windows 11 machines to meet least framework prerequisites – and we will utilize this delivery to approve and change these necessities.


We are banding together with Amazon in drawing in the engineer local area, and we will have more subtleties to share about early designer projects to distribute Android applications to the Amazon Appstore – for the time being, if it's not too much trouble, visit the direction from Amazon. Designers keen on distributing to the Amazon Appstore will gain admittance to apparatuses to investigate and test their applications on Windows; and we are delivering a review of those instruments today. For more data, kindly visit our backing documentation.


What's in store straightaway

To begin with utilizing Android applications on Windows, if it's not too much trouble, visit our Windows Insider Program directions. We welcome you to assist with molding this item by sharing your encounters through The Feedback Hub. We will keep on delivering updates to this experience through Windows Insider Program refreshes before long.


The present declaration flags new an open door for designers and makers on Windows. To cite a nearby accomplice – today is Day 1. We are propelled by what we can make together.


Android is a brand name of Google LLC

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