How to Increase the Shelf Life of Food Products – Last Longer

Increasing the shelf lifeof food products has become essential for food businesses. With an increased shelf life, you not only improve the quality of your foods but also increase the profit of the business. However, not everyone succeeds in increasing the shelf life of their food products. Despite using different techniques and strategies, it brings no results sometimes. Even more, the wrong process can also spoil the overall quality of food products. Therefore, it is vitally important to pay close attention while increasing the shelf life of food products. If you are looking for the best way to increase the shelf life of your food products, let’s do it!

How To Keep Fresh Fruit Longer – Increase Shelf Life

To increase the shelf life of your fruits, you can adopt various techniques. However, there are some useful considerations to improve the quality and increase the shelf life of fruits. Some of the best ways to keep fresh fruits longer are described below.

1. Salting:

Salting is one of the easiest ways to keep certain fruits fresh and sound. It is in the nature of Sodium to maintain the texture and taste of fruits. Sprinkle some salt on your food to make it last. Salt takes away moisture, making it hard for bacteria and fungi to ruin your food. It's an old but effective way to keep meats and veggies good.

2. Smoking:

Smoking is a way of food flavoring and preservation. One other way is by subjecting it to the smoke of burning woods that can preserve your certain fruits longer. This method not only adds flavor but also wards off insects, and stops food from rotting.

3. Freezing:

Freezing is the most efficient method for the preservation of fruits to increase their shelf life. You can freeze your food to make it stay good for later. Just chuck it in the fridge below zero. Additionally, it works for fruits, vegetables, and meats. They remain not only delicious but also nutritious.

4. Drying:

Another method of preservation, drying keeps fruit for a while. The water can be drained from the food which will elongate its life span. Moreover, you could elect to hang dry or machine dry. It is good in the way of keeping some fruits because they become light, crispy, and last longer.

5. Fermenting:

Also, fermenting is one of the best methods of increasing the shelf life of fruits. You can have microorganisms do their job for your food. Fermentation gives the food an interesting taste and keeps it fresh without the use of artificial ingredients. They are similar to pickles—they develop that tart taste, and they last longer.

6. Adding Preservatives:

Preservatives may be added to the fruits such that the fruits can last for a longer time. In fact, this is the main technique that is being practiced in the food industries all over the world. Yes, these extras can also be included to prevent the bad things. Salt, sugar, vinegar, or other preservatives are used to inhibit bacterial and mold growth that can occur with food.

7. Packaging:

Packaging is an unpopular, but most effective technique to keep your fruits longer. Good packaging with Mylar bagsnot only protects but also preserves the quality of your fruits. Also, airtight and moisture-resistant packaging keeps air, light, and humidity away from your fruits. Whether it's a bag, a can, or a box, good packaging is crucial for extending shelf life.

Best Way To Preserve Fruits And Vegetables

The method of preserving fruits and vegetables depends on their peculiarity. The preservation of certain produce can be achieved by freezing, while others are dried to be kept fresh and intact for a long time. In this way, the fruits and vegetables can be preserved in four main ways. The first way is to freeze the fruits and vegetables before they are cooled. Likewise drying, canning, dehydration, and pickling are some other important ways of preserving fruits and vegetables too. The temperature is very low, the microbial process is stopped and the decomposition of fruits and vegetables is reduced.


For instance, freezing fruits like blueberries and mangoes and vegetables like peas and broccoli at low temperatures is aiming to extend the shelf life of such food products. On the other hand, you should also be aware that not all types of food and vegetables can be preserved by freezing. Notwithstanding, each food item needs a specific approach to maintain its quality for a long period of time.


Similarly, you can preserve your fruits and vegetables with the following techniques:

  • Freezing:

  • Drying:

  • Pickling

  • Dehydrating

  • Canning

Best Practices For Food Storage

Proper Temperature Control: 

Read the recommended temperatures for storing perishables and keep them at those temperatures or below in the fridge or freezer to slow the growth of bacteria. Keep the refrigerator between 0°F (- 18°C) and 40°F (4°C). Keep the freezer at 0°F.

Use Airtight Containers:

Store foods in air-tight containers to keep moisture and air out that can cause food to rot. This is especially relevant for dry goods such as grain, cereals, and snacks.

First In, First Out (FIFO): 

Apply the FIFO concept to rotate food items. Make sure that the older items are used before the newer ones to avoid things that expire or go to waste. Putting dates on containers will make the decontamination process run smoothly.

Separate Raw and Cooked Foods:

Prevent cross-contamination by storing raw meats, poultry, and kinds of seafood separately from ready-to-eat foods. Use different cutting boards and containers for raw and cooked items to avoid the transfer of bacteria.


Improving the taste and texture is everything a food business seeks for. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase the shelf life of food products without compromising the quality. Above, I have explained some of the proven techniques you can use to keep your fruits and vegetables fresh for a long period. However, it is equally important to remember that every technique works for a certain type of food product. So, choose the relevant method and get the best out of your food products for your customers.

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food Business expert