How to increase likes & followers in instagram?



Instagram is a fast-growing social media site, and the number of followers and likes you have can decide how your profile will be accepted in public. Today I am discussing both shortcuts and well the proper way to earn followers. So let's get into the topic.




How to earn followers without shortcuts?

1. Content

We know that content is the king. The audience can never reject high-quality content. You can make the content interesting by providing correct facts and not by misleading people. As the trust over your profile increases, your followers also increase.

2. SMM

SMM or Social Media Marketing is a very know tool to make people aware of your good content or maybe the existence of your profile. Charges are there for these, for if you are searching for free options, scroll below.

3. Promoting free

There are two things that we can do under this category. Either you can ask your friends and family to share your profile and get maximum followers, which we usually do, or else you can get genuinely involved in Instagram by sharing posts, commenting, and tagging others so that people will start noticing your profile.


Now let's move to the shortcuts.




How to earn followers using shortcuts?

Steps to follow

1. Open your browser and type technomancy.

2. This will direct you to the website

3. After that, scroll the website up and down so that the full website loads.


4. Then click on the search option on the top right corner and type Top follow App and search.

5. It will direct you to an interface where you need to click Read More.

6.  After that, scroll the website up and down so that the full website loads.


7. Then download the app after captcha verification.

8. This app is not offered by Google, so you need to download this at your own risk and later don't hold any complaints.

9. Before opening the app downloaded, you need to download the Instagram app and make another account that has only 3 photos, out of which one is your profile photo in that account.


10. After that, log in to the Top follow app using the other Instagram account(not your own account).

11.Follow the accounts recommended by them and click the start button. You can notice that your coins will increase.

12. You can increase your coins by liking and following the account that is recommended.


13. After that, you can enter your targetted username (that is, your original account name).

14. Based on the number of coins you have earned, you can have 10, 50,100, etc., followers increase.

15. Similarly, if you want to increase like, you can select a pic, and then you can increase the likes by buying using your coins.


16. Note that no real money is involved. Only the coins you earn by liking and following others' profiles are used for having more likes and followers on your site.

17. Open your account using the Instagram app and see your followers increasing.




For the notice of the reader:

I would not prefer earning followers using shortcuts as it is not an ethical way to do so, and I would like to bring to your kind notice that I have not tried this shortcut by myself. So do it at your own risk.

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