Method 1

Modifying Your Haircare Regimen

1Reduce how frequently you shampoo your hair. Shampooing your hair too frequently can rob it of its natural oils, leaving it dry and prone to frizz. As an alternative, shampoo your hair no more than once or twice every week.  After taking a shower, you have two options: rinsing your hair with water or using a plastic shower cap.

. You might also try replacing shampoo with conditioner. Instead of using shampoo, lather up your damp hair with conditioner before rinsing it off.

2. Minimize your use of heat and chemicals.  Using heat or chemicals, such as dyes and bleaches, to style your hair might result in dry, damaged hair. To allow your hair to regrow, try to limit how often you use these.

. Instead of curling or straightening your hair with a hot iron, try using heat-free style techniques.

. Instead of completely dying or bleaching your hair, get touch-ups.

3. Use a brush with natural bristles. As you brush your hair, natural-bristle brushes, including those manufactured with boar bristles, aid in distributing the oils in your hair. Your hair will become smooth and silky as a result of this. Get a boar-bristle brush, and brush your hair with it at least once every day.

4. Use cold water to rinse your hair as opposed to hot. Your hair will be silkier because cold water keeps the cuticle closed and increases moisture retention.  Always use a towel to gently blot your hair dry as opposed to shaking or rubbing it. By doing this, hair breakage can be reduced.

Method 2

Utilising Merchandise

1. Apply gloss or hair glaze to your hair. These items are available at your neighbourhood pharmacy and will keep your hair looking healthy and gorgeous. Many celebrities use this kind of product to keep their hair appearing so shiny. For a gloss or glaze, you can also go to a salon.

2. Spray some shine on. Get a shine spray online or at your neighbourhood hairstylist, but watch your usage. After applying it to your hands or a brush, lightly run a comb through your hair. Work your way up to the roots after beginning your combing from the ends. Avoid going overboard to avoid having greasy hair instead of glossy hair.

3. Choose the appropriate conditioner and shampoo. The best shampoos for making your hair look silky and smooth are those with natural oils in them. Alcohol-containing shampoos should be avoided at all costs because they will make your hair dry and brittle. Moreover, moisturising shampoos can aid in retaining moisture and ensuring that your hair has the appearance you desire. You won't have to travel far to locate shampoo and conditioner like these; simply visit your neighbourhood drugstore or supermarket shop.

Method 3

Using Natural Treatments

1. Spritz some coconut oil on. Avoid overdoing this treatment or your hair may start to look oily. Some people believe that coconut oil can shield the proteins in your hair from the daily damage it sustains, such as exposure to the sun and wind.

. Only enough heat should be applied to a pan or microwave to melt the coconut oil.

. Avoid attempting to use hot coconut oil on your hair.

. Use this remedy as soon as possible since as the coconut oil cools, it solidifies once more.

2. Create a hair mask with aloe vera. Your hair may grow more quickly and appear healthier with the help of aloe vera. One ripe avocado, one tablespoon of linen oil, one tablespoon of warm honey, one tablespoon of lime juice, three tablespoons of aloe vera gel, and two egg yolks are required to produce the mask. The length and roots of your hair should also be massaged with this mixture. After around 30 minutes, wrap a warm towel around your hair and shampoo and condition as usual.

3. For your hair, use apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is available at supermarkets and online. In a spray bottle, combine 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar with 1 cup warm water. [10] Following a shower, spray the mixture on your hair and allow it to rest for 10 minutes before rinsing it off. You might smell a little like vinegar at first, but it should pass quickly, and you'll get results right away.

4. Every day, massage your scalp. By massaging your scalp, you may be able to release natural oils, which could result in silky, smooth hair. All over your scalp, rub it with your fingertips. The massage should be given in tiny circles.

Method 4

Using food and supplements

1. Consume healthy foods. One of the most crucial things you can do to enhance the quality of your hair is to eat healthily, which has a tonne of additional advantages for your waistline and overall health. High-protein foods like fish and milk can help to strengthen your hair, enhance the texture of your hair, and even get rid of dandruff. Nuts and green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are other healthy choices. The following are a few things you must eat for lustrous hair,

. Fish, poultry, eggs, and cottage cheese are all sources of protein.

. Iron-rich foods include leafy green vegetables, lentils, and red meat.

. Vitamin C from foods including oranges, papaya, and blueberries.

. Omega-3 fatty acids from sources like walnuts, sardines, and salmon.

. Vitamin A, found in foods including sweet potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin.

. Zinc can be found in beef, eggs, and oysters.

2. Take in a lot of water. Drinking plenty of water can also aid in keeping your hair adequately moisturised. It might stay smooth and silky if you do this. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, and more if you exercise or perspire a lot.

3. Take vitamins for your skin, hair, and nails. Without a prescription, you may get vitamins for your skin, hair, and nails, which may also assist to make your hair silky and smooth. Try taking a vitamin once per day as directed by the manufacturer.

nut and seed sources of vitamin E

Biotin can be found in whole grains, liver, and egg yolks.

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