How to get rid of dengue virus.

How to get rid of the dengue virus.

Dengue virus is mainly known as a mosquito-borne virus. It mainly thrives in the presence of the breeding of mosquitoes. As a result, it would be advisable for everyone to take preventive measures to prevent the spread of this virus. The danger of this disease is among young children, asthmatic patients, people with diabetes, old adults, and obese people. In addition, it is safe to prevent getting infected with this virus by following the following steps.

1. Using mosquito repellent

Tinder is the best repellent to be used against this virus.

Always try to avoid using essential oils with water like lavender, geranium, and thyme. Oils of soap are also of great use, it can kill the mosquitoes that bite human beings and pets.

2. Avoid lying on your back and indoors

Displayed above is the information about the average amount of mosquitoes that have been witnessed in the case of an outbreak of this virus. In the case of a high percentage of mosquitoes, people must try to get up and sit upright while sleeping, as sleeping on your back helps mosquitoes to stay attracted.

This information is also important in the case of a dengue virus outbreak as you have a golden chance to avoid the virus.

3. Use an insect repellent with fish oil

Every mosquito uses a technique to identify prey.

When insects are attracted to a given place, they tend to prey on that same place. In the case of an outbreak of this virus, mosquitoes tend to find a place that attracts them. These mosquitoes are known as 'deepers'.

Apart from the obvious, there are several mosquito repellents made of petroleum jelly that help mosquitoes to get away from you. People who use even such repellents should also use insect repellents to keep mosquitoes away from them.

4. Avoid spraying insecticides

In the case of an outbreak of this virus, people tend to spray insecticides to combat mosquitoes. This would be done whenever insects attack them and in most cases, the same time the virus is also active and when the price of a mosquito aces a wound.

This sounds dangerous because if you simply spray insecticides on mosquitoes you wouldn't create a good situation for yourself. An unusual example of this is when people spray insecticides on mosquitoes' midsection and their body doesn't get rid of them.

5. Don't allow dogs to roam outside

Dogs need frequent resting time. This occurs during their cool-up process. Dogs help mosquitoes that bite people to stay attracted towards that area. People should avoid allowing their dogs to roam outside.

The harmful effect of this virus on the dogs.

6. Avoid drinking water containing any type of organic matter

Some mosquito repellents contain all kinds of organic matter. These include the blood of different insects.

To combat mosquitoes avoiding drinking water containing any form of organic matter is good.

7. Avoid burning deodorizing chemicals

Those insect repellents that contain liquid organic matter could prove lethal to not only you but also your pets. It should be avoided to protect your pets as much as possible.

8. Avoid using raw vegetable oils

Raw vegetable oils are the major source of this virus.

9. Avoid drinking untreated water

Even though some people might have protected themselves from the outbreak of this virus by eating undercooked meat, fish, poultry meat, we always recommend avoiding consuming raw vegetable oils.

Moreover, raw vegetable oil, which may contain toxins or phytochemicals, is also bad for your liver.

10. Do not cook, as much as possible

Cooking meat and fish, seafood, and eggs would help insects recognize the signs of an outbreak of this virus. Thus, to keep mosquitoes away from you, stick to veggies and raw vegetable oils at all times.


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