How to get 110 page views in paid for articles in one hour

1) Make a video how-to guide about how to use a product.  

Making how-to videos is the easiest way how you make money from YouTube. You must have noticed that when you search on how to change spark plugs or how to tie a shoelace, a video tutorial appears in the result. What if I tell you that this video has been made by someone who got paid views, and they are making some nice pocket money? That's right! You can get paid views too and start earning some serious cash from your newfound job of being a videographer! 


2) Use keywords wisely. 

Keywords are the words that help people find what they are for when doing a search. You must be wondering how come I didn't mention keywords in the first paragraph. Well, it's because how-to videos are one of the most searched things on YouTube, which is why you need to use them wisely. Choose your keywords judiciously; don't just go for any random keywords because they won't work. 



3) Make a video on how to use an application like how I make money 

We all know how popular apps have become over the years and how much we love using them on our smartphones or even at home. So making videos about how to use specific apps is, always,  going to get paid views and good ad revenue! 

Remember, not all apps can give you paid views, so you need to find which apps are getting how many views and how much money they pay for each view; then choose the one that you think will be suitable for your video!  


4) Try making how-to videos about day-to-day activities like how. 


I make money online If how-to videos about how to use applications or products are not interesting enough, then why not try out something more detailed like how we make money from home? Well, these kinds of videos get paid views too, but it's a little harder than how to use apps because there are some nuances involved in how we make money from home and many people might not understand some aspects or sections of it if they don't know anything about how we make money from home. Many how-to videos on how to do something are currently getting how many views, so why not give this idea a shot too? 



5) Make how to use games if you want to get more paid views on YouTube but don't know-how. 

If how-to videos about how to use an application are making good cash for the video makers out there, then how to use games must be minting millions! That's right; people love playing games, and they also like watching how other people play it too! So what you need to do is find some popular multiplayer games that are making good revenue with each user per hour, and then go ahead and make some videos of how to use the games. People will watch them, and you can get how many paid views!  


6) Create how-to videos on how I make money online with my blog. 

If how I make money with my blog is not something that interests people. 

Using your own website or blog is a great way how you get paid views on YouTube, 

then there are some others how I make money online ideas that are equally interesting. You need to choose, 

the topic judiciously because if your content is not good, 

then no one will come back for another video of yours even if it's how we get more paid views! 



7) Make how-to videos about existing products, like how to Make Money From YouTube. 

Easily, Although how to make money from YouTube is a decent topic for how we get paid views on YouTube, it's not as popular as how-to videos about existing products. How existing products work and how you can use them is always going to be more interesting than how to make money from YouTube works because viewers already know that they can make some cash with how to make money from YouTube! 


8) Choose your titles wisely. 

How to Make Money From YouTube Easily Choosing the title of your video correctly is very important; otherwise, you will end up getting a low Paid View count even if your video is usually high in demand and popular among people who like watching how we get paid views and how we make money online easily. So how we get paid views and how we make money online easily is a good idea but how to Make Money From YouTube Easily is not, you need to choose your keywords wisely!   


9) Use annotations to get more how many paid views on YouTube. 

Annotations are very important for how we get paid views on YouTube, but the problem with annotations is that they don't always work how we want them to be. That means you can't just add as many annotations as possible and expect people watching how we make money from home and getting how many paid views… it only works 40-50% of the time; sometimes less than that! So why not use annotations wisely? If you create your video using Cam studio, then you can go ahead and use how many annotations you want because those tools don't limit how to make money from YouTube works!  


10) Be as original as how to Make Money From YouTube Easily.  

Viewers are always looking for unique how-to videos about how we get paid views on YouTube and how we make money online easily; otherwise, they will just move on to another video if yours is not offering anything new. So try being as original as possible in your how-to videos because that's what gets a lot of viewers coming back for more! 


11) Use our previous or current offers to earn how many paid views on YouTube. 

If you have any e-Books, software licenses, how-to guides, or how I make money with my blog that you are not using, then find a way how to use them in your how-to YouTube videos, so you can earn how many paid views on YouTube! This is the best how we get paid views method other than how to become rich.  


12) Give valuable tips about how to  Get Paid Views. 

Videos Easily Adding valuable tips is also good for gaining more how many paid views on YouTube because people love learning something new and useful. It doesn't have to be just about how we get paid views, but any helpful advice that will really be of some value for viewers. Check out our tips on making money from Facebook and Twitter too! 

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