How to do "Touch Typing" ?

How to begin touch typing and Why

Touch typing, or the ability to type quickly without looking at the keyboard, can help take your productivity to the next level. This skill may seem daunting if you don't have a lot of computer experience, but it's easy to acquire with enough practice. Focus on learning the basics first, and then you can gradually type more quickly!

Why are the keys not alphabetically?

Because modern keyboards have evolved from older mechanical typewriters. On them, each key has a hand that punches the letter through the ink ribbon on the paper. He arranged the letters in such a way that the most commonly used letters were never next to each other so that the two arms of them would not get stuck in each other, blocking the typewriter. By the time electronic keyboards rolled around, many typists had already learned how to speed up type, so they kept the same keyboard layout.


Learn how to touch type

Sitting posture for typing

  • Sit straight and remember to keep your back straight.
  • Keep your elbows bent at right angles.
  • Face the screen with your head tilted slightly forward.
  • Keep a distance of at least 45 - 70 cm between your eyes and the screen.
  • Expose the muscles of the shoulder, arm, and wrist to the least possible tension. The wrist can touch the tabletop in front of the keyboard. Never shift your body weight by resting it on the wrists.

Place your fingers on the "Home" keys, or "ASDF" and "JKL;" Curl on. Meet the home keys, which are the most important keys used during touch typing. These will help you find your way around the keyboard. Note that there are different house keys for different fingers.[3]

You can identify the home row by looking for the raised lines on the "F" and "J" keys.

On your left hand, place your little finger on the "A" key; your ring finger on the "S" key; your middle finger on the "D" key; And put your pointer finger on the "F" key.

On your right hand, place your little finger on the semicolon key; your ring finger on the "L" key; your middle finger on the "K" key; And put your pointer finger on the "J" KEY.absd



Find the different keys that your left hand will touch. Divide your keyboard into different “zones,” which will help you fine-tune your touch typing. Use your left pointer finger to touch the “V,” “B,” “R,” “T,” “5,” and “6” keys and your left middle finger to touch the “E,” “C,” and “4” keys. Try to touch the “W,” “X,” and “3” keys with your left ring finger, while using your left pinky to touch the “Q,” “Z,” “1,” and “2” keys.[4]


Find the keys that your right hand will press. Use your right index finger to touch the "H," "N," "M," "U," "Y," and "7" keys, then your right index finger to touch "Comma," "I." Use the right middle finger. and "8" keys. Aim to use your right ring finger to touch the "O," "9," and "Period" keys, while aiming for "0," "P," "" backslash," "apostrophe," "minus sign," "equal sign," and both bracket keys. [5]


Don't worry—it can be difficult to remember all the finger placements at first. As you practice, you'll be able to memorize different placements more accurately!

Move your fingers down to type the letters in the bottom row. Dip your fingers under the home row of keys so that you can hit "Z," "X," "C," "V," "B," "N," "M," "comma," "period" Can you And the "Backslash" button. Get into the habit of taking your fingers down and then returning them to the home row, which will help your typing habits become more efficient.[7]

For reference, your left pinky will tap the "Z" key, your left ring finger will tap the "X" key, your left middle finger will touch the "C" key, and your left index finger will touch the "V" key. B" key.


On your right hand, your right index finger will touch the "N" and "M" keys, your middle finger will touch the "comma" key, your ring finger will touch the "period" key, and your pinky will touch the backslash button.




Last but not least 

Press any utility keys with your pinkies. Stretch your pinkies to the sides in case you need to enter, backspace, tab, or shift. Try to get in the habit of pressing the shift key while you press another letter key, as this will help your typing become more productive.[9]




If you want to practice you can check the given website link-

For now, stop caring about numbers and symbols, you can take a look at the keyboard for them, the letter and two punctuation keys are the most hit keys on the keyboard, the sooner you learn them the better. Of the dozens of websites that give step-by-step exercises through each row of keys.

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