How to Cure Foot Pain?

Do you have pain in your legs and feel weak? And in case of pain, you often resort to painkiller medicines. So instead of painkiller medicines, you can adopt the home remedies given here to relieve pain in legs.

  1. Pain in legs
    Foot pain is a common disease that can affect anyone at some point in life. It can occur anywhere in the feet, including the toes, heel, sole, and ankle. The problem of foot pain can occur due to many reasons. Such as age, wearing uncomfortable shoes, excessive walking or standing on feet for long periods of time, mineral deficiency in diet, ingrown toenails, diabetes and other health problems. Some home remedies are very beneficial in taking care of your feet.You can adopt the home remedies given here to relieve pain in feet.
  2. Hot and Cold Water Therapy:
    Hot and cold water therapy is an effective way to treat leg pain. Hot water treatment helps promote blood flow and cold treatment helps reduce swelling. Take two water buckets, fill one with cold water and the other with tolerable hot water.Put your feet in a bucket of hot water for three minutes and after three minutes put your feet in a bucket of cold water for 10 seconds. Repeat this process 2-3 times. But make sure you start with hot water and end with cold water. You can also apply hot and cold packs alternately for 10 minutes to reduce foot pain.
  3. Vinegar:
    Vinegar is an effective treatment for pain in the legs caused by swelling, sprain or cramps. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar and one teaspoon of salt or rock salt in a bucket of warm water. Then soak your feet in it for about 20 minutes.
  4. Rock Salt:
    Rock salt is another effective home remedy, which helps in providing instant relief from foot pain. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of rock salt in a tub of warm water and soak your feet in it for 10 to 15 minutes. Then apply moisturizer on your feet to protect them from dryness.
  5. Ice:
    Ice therapy is also an effective way to reduce pain and swelling of the feet. Put a few pieces of crushed ice in a small plastic bag and use it to massage the affected area in circular motions to relieve pain. This will also help reduce swelling. But keep in mind not to use an ice pack for more than 10 minutes at a time as it can damage the skin and nerves.
  6. Clove Oil:
    Clove oil is a wonderful oil for relieving headaches, joint pain, athlete's foot, nail fungus and foot pain. Use clove oil to gently massage your feet to get instant relief. The massage stimulates blood flow and relaxes the muscles. Massage several times a day to get quick relief from foot pain.
  7. Bay leaf:
    If you are experiencing pain in your feet due to strain, sprain or injury, you can use bay leaf to get relief from the discomfort. Apart from this, it helps in removing foot odor. Mix a handful of bay leaves in a cup of apple cider vinegar and boil it for a few minutes. Now apply it on the painful area with the help of a cotton cloth. Repeat this remedy several times a day until the pain in the foot is cured.
  8. 8. Mustard Seeds:
    Mustard seeds can be used to treat foot pain by removing toxic water from the body, improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation. Take some mustard seeds, grind them and then add them to a bucket of warm water. Soak your feet in this water for 10 to 15 minutes.

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